End game

Auric levels are really nice ! Maelstrom too ! But at least, when we have level up all our rejects, and win a lot of these game mode, it could be a little boring… It could be nice to have new game mode unlock at lvl 30, to feel like newgame+ in a way !
Here some suggestion :

  • Survival mode :
    4 players have to defend a fortified position, shooting enemies from trenches and bunker !
    Each enemie wage should be more powerfull than precedent and each 3 wave a valkiri land behind player position to offer a choice ; retreat with all ressources finded or try to continue in order to loot more !

  • Heros of the Imperium :
    A simple mode where 4 players do damnation mission but there is no medical station and dead player could respawn as an enemie élite !
    Player who succed the mission should earn nice reward and player who die and succed, as an heretic, to stop rejects in their mission could earn something too… Not sure how to do reward system here…

-Battle for Tertium :
4 player are deployed in a large open map, surrounded by enemie spawn point… There is 4 objectives on map, similar to those during normal mission, like standing a position during x time, destroy chaotics tentacles, etc…
These 4 objectives could be done in any order and each task done could spawn a valkiri, landing and deploying some guardsmen allies and deliver some ammo, crafting mat, medkit, etc…
When all objectives are done, a final wave of enemies could spawn with a boss !

It could be nice to have more game mode diversity, to continue playing after lvl 30, after having nice weapons, and after having done all missions an outrageous number of time !

Wouldn’t mind a system akin to deep dives where it’s 3 progressively harder missions back to back where the gimmick is that they are keeping any ammo or equipment from the last mission maybe with special rewards for beating each stage and a super special rewards for beating all 3.

Another option could be Mesozi’s Gambit where the idea is that you need to beat the mission under certain special conditions and modifiers with specific weapons and loadouts. As an example a mission may be a shock gauntlet with shredder pistols and axes / Ogryn heavy stubber and a bulky club. Alternatively it could be special challenges exclusive to her such as a faulty hud or leaky ammo bags. You put up a bet in response and you get a payout for completing relative to your bet.

Could also have a special mode called crusade where it’s progressively harder and harder missions (maybe in a roguelike order similar to chaos wastes) with a final big battle or boss fight.

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