Hello, old player from Vermentide 1 and 2
i personally think that since Vermentide 2 it would be really good if the game had an special Audio Volume for Elites spawning because in most cases they are REALLY quiet Trapper is the best example that guy whisppers when he his coming
compare that guy with a Hookrat, Hookrat you always know it makes tons of noises and its pretty clear when its around close or far THAT should be the Trapper and all other elites that “capture you” specially now that the Trapper is long range 1 shot and the Hookrat haves to get close to grab you, not only that consider the trapper being long range and what happen if he his hidding in a horde of enemys You just cannot know if he his close or not
again best solution is to make a Unique Track for Elite / Boss sound effects that way we can have that track be louder then the rest of the game and not face this type of problems