Elf needs a nerf

I do not share that. The elven sword heavies deal the same damage as the elven axe, which is more than bretsword heavies for example - and that is over 65% of a Stormvermin’s Cataclysm HP.

And that is also flawed. I want to take the one I prefer, which is not necessarily the best. I could also want to take a weapon given what the team around me is using - and, in QP, that usually translates to taking the most versatile weapons because you don’t know what the team is running. The meta comes from there, not from their power. There are specialized weapons that are stronger than meta weapons for some very specific purposes - I’m thinking flamethrowers for horde clearing and the like.

I read this later, but on that we do agree.

That was not what I was saying, but we do have to bear the synergies in mind. Dual Swords also work very well on HM, for instance.

The reason I’d be nerfing SnD is not because they’re better than the sword or any other of Kerillian’s weapons, it is that even when taken on its own, ignoring all the comparisons one could make, they are too good at everything.

Again, we agree.

Then we disagree. Glaive having more than good infantry damage, horizontal swipes for both lights and the push attack and linesman, to me, indicates the weapon was designed for horde-clearing. It’s heavy attack combo being a good armour headshotter is a very appreciated bonus, which allows picking elites and shields within a horde.

This is what I’m arguing for - or rather, I’m making the point that we do not share the same base line. I agree most melee weapons are fine and even the ones that are too strong aren’t that big of a deal, but SnD for instance is one of those that I’d grade at 120%.

That is true, but you were yourself saying

I was merely coming back to the point that there are things that completely trivialize certain situations (i.e. a SV patrol) even the highest difficulties the game has to offer. Note that the topic started after SotT got released, but the points that are being made quite easily tie back into this other topic about everything being OP.

And I do agree with that. The melee weapons conversation is not a primordial one to have, I’d just say “the current state of top end melee balance is good enough” while talents and ranged options need to be looked at.

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