[Dwarf IB] Flamethrower getting overcharge while damaged as unchained !? (wtf)


Usually I am not a dwarf flamethrower player, but I don’t remember when you get damages it converts it to overcharge as Sienna Unchained? Except that, you get them full. Tell me if I am wrong but it is a bug !

It happens always, you get damaged while throwing your fire, you get a huge follow-up overcharge instantly (while you take full damage input, it’s not like unchained (which is half shared [overcharge/health]).

Checked, nowhere it is said that this behavior is intended.

I wait for more informations.

Edit, my friend told me this :

when you get hit, it cancels the attack and at the same time makes the mouse 1 attack. So technically you dont take overcharge but you used your weapon
which is stupid but anyways happens.

We need something to prevent that, it’s not handy at all !

It’s close to this topic, for it seems linked with the key registering before being hit

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