Don't see Imperial Edition Cosmetics

I bought the Imperial edition but I don’t see the cosmetics in my inventory. Do I need to claim them somewhere?

edit: stop replying if youre going to say the same thing and be toxic. I am a human being. Treat me as such.

read the faq in discord lmfao

There’s more places that information is in too that doesn’t require a third-part irrelevant program to obtain. It’s the same website we’re using right now.

If you dont wanna use discord for whatever reason, direct your eyes up a lil bit and see the “FAQ” link. Hit that, click darktide and by the emperor, there it is!

If you want to be helpful and not condescending when you speak to other people feel free.

You got your answer twice over, you just didn’t get it the way you wanted it. Someone told you it was on discord, someone else told you it would be in the same FAQ you’d find on the discord, but on the same website you posted this onto.

It would have taken less effort to check the FAQ than make a forum post (in the wrong forum). I don’t know why something like the FAQ wouldn’t be checked first of all, considering you think there would be more than just one person asking the question of “where is my preorder items” when coincidentally there were none (which would give you a slight hint that there has already been a concrete answer set in stone that you didn’t bother to look for)

It doesn’t really matter though. It’s an internet forum after all. At least you were still spoonfed your answer.

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and so why did you reply?

They will become available at launch.