I feel like I get a lot of teammates who pick them up without knowing that’s what causes so much corruption, since there are so many other ways you can get it, especially with this new mode
They glow green and the moment you pick them up you gain corruption and it starts ticking down. I think the connection is very easy to make, I think if someone doesn’t pay that much attention he’s also not gonna read/listen to an explanation. The tutorial teaches you how to do push attacks and there’s an absurd amount of people who don’t know they exist.
Picking it up I feel is self explanatory for what it does.
What might be nice to actually have though is a voice line or dialogue or what have you that explains you can ‘cleanse it’ if you didn’t mean to pick it up or don’t want it. Know that was something I accidentally did at one point and went ‘ohh wait I can do that?’, would be good. Just some form of ‘quick, get rid of it!’ or ‘Ohhh things just got interesting’ or SOMething.
Yeah let’s get some grimoire hype, zealot ‘preacher’ aye?
Well it should be self-explanatory for any WH40k fan.
It’s a book with tentacles, eyes, mouths, Nurgle Symbol and it glows green…
It’s important to note that it’s not a percentage deduction of your hp, but rather a fixed value, so classes with less health are severely penalized, while classes with more health don’t feel anything.
Uhhhh these seems like a sure fire way to get blam’d
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