Do you need to do all the penances to reach 5000 points?

Or are there more penance points than 5000?


So only 290 more. Thanx

wow… impressive…
I am at 4980 and I miss 9 penances on psyker (so 90 pts) and also several others

For me the problem will be martyr’s skull… cause I guess I will have to find one guy that accept to do the ones where you have to be 2.
I am sure it can be found in game. But I am not here… I use to complete one penance after an other one. I can try to associate several, but I focus on one.

Not actually mine :smiley:
I still need ASS then I’m done.

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who doesnt need ASS eh?

Just ask in the mission. I’ve gotten all skulls doing regular auric damnation quickplay. People are generally quick to help.


I don’t

However, I miss close to all martyrskull that need 2 players.
And mortus offensive is not completed also. I need the not too difficult ones, but still I have to do them (killing with triggering less than 5 mines and killing both within 5s)

Asked several times in different mission.

People continue rushing…

Well to be fair, I did all skulls the first week the update was released. Everyone wanted to get them back then. Now barely anyone remembers they exist. I understand your pain.

who’s is it

My semi-regular duoing partner who started the game months after I did and only posts on this forum to complain that they broke the shirtless mod.


I’ve now got every penance except the private ones and 2 for completing rolling steel 25/50 times (I was distracted by the amazing Moebian hordes so ignored the train!).

I’m also missing a couple from the Awful offensive but no one plays that anymore because it’s awful so I’ve just written them off along with the private penances.

I have roughly 5200 points so definitely doable without all of them.

If you ever need a group or some help with the skulls, let me know, happy to help

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I’ll help yeah.

I don’t have many left. I need to channel my inner Quasimodo and go do the twins puzzle; that shouldn’t be too hard.

The others I’m missing I’m not sure I’ll really ever get done before giving up DT. Killing 2500 enemies with barrels or whatever it is… jeesh.


i’m at 4930 atm while still having some penances to do (i just don’t prioritize them), so there’s no problem reaching 5000 at least when you play all classes.

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@brosgw @Bankei thank you for your offer.

I have done all of them yesterday… Martyr’s skull that I had not completed, Hourglass penance, Twins penances.

I can thank an user on this forum :wink:

What I can say is that it shows that this community is great.


well done brother

Now I’m envious, I have to annoy my friends enough to do attempts on hardmode Twins


I have to do this one myself too.

Max is 5280, so not even close, no.

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