Do deployed Medkits despawn after death?

While playing today I screwed up and ran into a daemonhost I didn’t see.

I was carrying a medkit and knew at least one my team needed healing so I deployed it so they could heal after the daemonhost killed me and disappeared.

Afterwards one of the team members gave me grief for wasting the medkit and not healing him. I told him I deployed it before I died and if he hurried he could go back and heal. He said medkits despawn after you die.

Does anyone know if this is true? I know medkits in your inventory are lost when you die, but I’ve never seen or heard of one already thrown out disappearing because the person that deployed it died.

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Deployed medkits disappear in general after some time, whatever you used the healing or not.

If you die carrying an item, unless it is a grim, it should be dropped to the ground where you died. At times even if you fall to your death the item can be found close to the edge you fell from.