I’m still wondering what kinds of cosmetics we can expect, if any. Doesn’t sound like there will be.
Maybe a skin for each career for completing all Helmgart levels on Cataclysm?
I’m still wondering what kinds of cosmetics we can expect, if any. Doesn’t sound like there will be.
Maybe a skin for each career for completing all Helmgart levels on Cataclysm?
I’d say that the new faction, new weapons, Talent changes and new difficulty will bring way more new feeling to the game than one or two extra maps ever would. It’s not just more to play, it changes the whole game. Yes, the Talent changes at least will almost certainly be an update for everyone (I think it’d produce significant issues if they weren’t), but that’s only one part.
New ways of experiencing the old existing content, such as new enemies, weapons, talents and difficulty brings way more than two or three new maps could.
Ill take the beastmen a whole new faction and a new boss (intergrated too most maps we have allready) any day! over 2 - 3 new maps, thank you
While I don’t disagree with the sentiment, new enemies, weapons and talents do indeed bring a lot more to the general game than a map does, and I’m hyped for all of those based on my beta experiences, Cataclysm and new maps do the most in terms of long term longevity/replayability.
Once everyone has become accustomed to the new additions to the game (in the months post-WoM launch), it’s the variety of maps available that keeps the rounds feeling fresh.
Even just the one new map we’re getting with WoM means we get to explore another part of the warhammer world (and get even more banter/interactions between the five, or four, doesn’t matter), which I’m incredibly hyped for and hope to get more of in the future.
Scratch that. There’s no point in competing against other players in a co-op game period.
BTW thanks for the feedback, I had no idea about some of the stuff. I honestly don’t know why they are focusing (or want us to focus on it ) so much! the concept was ok, i guess,give us something different to do, but there’s no reason to make it such a focus and/or grind. i don’t plan to spend too much time there
Based upon past history and known behaviours of FS concerning DLC…
Cataclysm isn’t a selling point for the vast majority of players who get rekt at Legend. The Beastmen might be likely to be seen on the maps if anyone in the party has them so there’s no need to even buy the DLC for the beatsmen. (I haven’t got Bogenhafen DLC and I’ve got almost all of the ART for those two maps I’ve played them so often and know where all the books are). The single(new) map needs to be spectacularly good to warrant there only being one map, and the Talents/Mechanics/Patch are quite possibly available to all anyhow.
So really, you’re buying the expansion for;
New Weapons.
Any Skins for existing stuff.
Unless you’re a real fanboi who will just hand over money no matter what…As everything else is quite possibly going to be available through QP. If it isn’t, then the community will be split between those who are currently cruising through Legend+Twins+Twitch and those who aren’t even making legend runs.
As a business model, the potential sales are therefore much lower as the huge amounts of players who are battling through Champion and < aren’t going to buy it for Cata, Weaves, Beastmen, Leaderboards and anathor Grind. They might buy it for weapons and maps but I suspect (like me) they’ll wait and see what happens.
If they price it at something like £19.99 they’re mad. I’m hoping for a November Sale where it’s £8.99 or something but if it launches at anything over £15 then a lot of people are going to take a long hard look at it and probably wait.
With a bit of luck…
I’ll get the patch, I’ll get to face the beastmen, I’ll get to (finally) have a bit of fun with Kruber Sword and Shield, I’ll get to play the new map and I’ll fight a Minotaur. All free.
I won’t care about leaderboards and I couldn’t give a five knuckle shuffle about weaves. FS will have a little meeting and realise that pitching their game to Squirrel Squad and the top tier players has missed the mark. Lohners Emporium gets accelerated. I can spend my 20k Scrap on some cool stuff. All free.
Well the issue is, the mechanic sucks for 100 reasons… and what they did was… they made it from uber-crappy to horrible to as mentioned “sucks” in third version and than they basically said on twitch that they are going to start prepping for release. So as far as I understand it, it will stay in the expansion in some probably slightly tweaked version of “sucks” edition.
The sucks edition that 80-85% of people voted either “needs to be changed” or “needs to be removed” so … I don’t see how it makes sense to keep something that 85% of testers don’t want.
Even after 3 versions !
But hey, maybe they removed it, did another round of some heavy internal testing and it will be great !
Just saying how it looks to me so far.
Content wise it should not be considered an expansion.
I’ve played many different types of games.
DLC usually includes small explorable areas, dungeons, hats/skins, and other non-specific items. Large category that includes any and every small detail that slightly changes the game. Also includes patches and updates.
Expansions usually includes large explorable areas, new gear, new weapons, new heroes/characters/classes, new monsters/bosses, new skill lines, and new crafting stations (ESO summerset introduced jewelry crafting).
Fatshark is calling Winds of Magic an expansion but is it really?
What are we getting?
-New crafting station/materials that is for Weaves only and does not carry over to base game
-Beastman (no Lords or new mini-bosses)
I’m sorry but that sounds like a normal DLC instead of an expansion. It would be an expansion if we got some new maps (plural), new bosses, and a new hero or additional careers for our existing heroes. That would be what I would spend my money on not some mini maps we already own that are timed and have objectives that are not interesting, new, or fun. I got bored pretty quickly with the Weaves. I assume people will eventually drop it espeically if FatShark wipes hero progress each season.
That would make it a true expansion. All I see are generic non-specific traditional DLC items.
I’m glad Fatshark is trying new things but calling it an expansion in hopes to sell it at a higher price is kind of a bad move on their part.
I want to be excited for Winds of Magic but I don’t know if the content will be worth the price.
The things included in WoM will be put in bold.
So, let’s see. What you’re missing in order to call this “expansion” and expansion is new characters/classes. That’s basically it. The main gear in the game is weapons so weapons/gear is added. A large explorable area is not really V2 but if you want are to compare to the previous levels you get one adventure level and weaves (8 winds*x modifiers on x maps - quite a lot quantity wise). For new monsters and bosses you get a new faction and a new boss, great right? New skill lines would be an additional level of skills/level increase and finally the new crafting station is quite obvious, it’s the Athanor.
I don’t really mind people expressing opinions about being worried that they will feel underwhelmed or that the game wont be for them anymore, since those are legit concerns, but if you create a list defining what an expansion is to you AND the expansion ticks pretty much every box but you still rage about it, then something is a bit off.
I’m sorry if it sounds harsh but
maybe it’s time to put on a new pair of glasses?
and on a side note,
please stop spreading disinformation. People actually read this and think you’ve looked into the basics.
Commercially, it would REALLY not be a smart move to divide the dlc. Not only, the weaves could not sell well, but it would also split the community more than needed if you want to find players for weaves.
Weaves Mode is here, like it or not, so may as well be bundled with a lot of others awesome things, and live on.
Let’s hope that grind was changed, and then it will be okay.
A new boss will be there (minotaur) but other than that I rather agree with him. 1 new map is not large explorable areas nor are the weaves, as small bits of pre-existing maps.
Now, if they were releasing a set of 13 new maps, with or without a new enemy race, I’d definitely call it an expansion. Why? Because content and story-wise that would be comparable to the base game.
I’m pretty excited about the beastmen, but that has an inherent problem: either you get them on every map (which would benefit replayability but break immersion, and as such, for me it’s a big no-no) or you have them on the new map only (and weaves. but those have different issues). In any case this dlc looks interesting but lacks story
Yeah but Vermintide isn’t an open world title, so even his definition of an expansion is flawed.
They will be missing in themed maps - where only one race is expected, like into the nest with skaven - but might show up in the others where you have a mixed population.
Awww yeah! Hes just amazing!
Man he’s huge, can’t wait! I wonder what kind of moves we can expect, if it’ll be anything like total war with the bulldozing and insane forward rolls into enemies.
Just hoping he hasn’t learned from Slayer and is stacking AS + SS on those axes.
Could have been a bit brighter to actually see something…
Did you try pointing a flashlight at your monitor? Jeez T_T
Damn that new miniboss looking sweet! (except for that tiny loincloth missing physic…)
Lets hope he survives more then one purple conc pot. Im gonna be honest… i secretly chug down the purple pots “throws them away” or “damn sorry i clicked the wrong button” everytime a shade on the team and a boss is near just to make it some challenge. Is that cruel?
The loincloth does have physics just not in the tools we used to capture his appearance for Twitter. Just FYI