Disappointed in all the glowy skins not having variation

Was having a fine ol’ time with Gifts of the Wolffather, excited to see there was an Eternos-Ichor Reckoner, only to be disappointed that it’s the stupid-looking round variant instead of the square head.

This is most notable with the Reckoner GH but really it’s a trend with a couple of weapon skins, like the Elven Greatsword (Predator’s Draich/Severance not having any glowy variants whatsoever) or the Dwarven Greataxe (Skarrenruf Maraz) only recently getting a glowy variant, and it’s Shyish. Why can’t I get some cool looking ones? Better yet, why can’t I decide form and weapon glow separately?

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Detailed customization? In our Vermintide? Oh Sigmar (GW) the horror😱

I still want hats that match the color of the skins, been missing since…since the start.


Fatshark, I imagine: “Please direct all complaints about cosmetics to the gatekeepers at Games Workshop. Our hands are tied.”

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