Difficulty for new players

Yeah, I have started to level all the characters after the beta playing recruit with other new low levels so it’s getting easier and easier to rely more on the bots. The only real problem which can occur with bots is that they don’t know to prioritize reviving/saving the player to not end the game sometimes but it’s probably a fair trade off for not making the game too easy.

As someone who has played V1 and coming into this game, I would say the difficulty is going to feel pretty harsh for a group of brand new players.

I remember loading into my first match , it was the forest area and everyone was level one, they were attacked by a bile troll, at that level it was taking forever to kill, we wiped due to ass rat showing up along with a gunner, tried to keep aggro on troll but got downed, rest of the team followed shortly.

I think they could do some small tweaks to how specials spawn on recruit, cause most people are going to have a learning curve just by learning the bosses themselves but idk, I usually get a good laugh when stuff like that happens lol.

TLDR : maybe they can do some boss / special spawn tweaks , and have in game tips like in V1 that you can shut off if you don’t like it?

I think the AI director needs to scale based on players experience.

Use easier bosses and don’t mix in horde/specials during boss fight for people first several runs.

Slowly amp up the difficulty behind the scenes

This. The game isn’t hard, it’s the numbers on some bosses are mathematically garbage. Rat Ogres feel ok in Recruit. You literally can’t out damage a Bile Troll healing if you’re all wielding new weapons, and even if you have a good system down where everyone spreads out and one person gets aggro, gets downed, next person gets aggroed and the downed person is picked up, repeat for infinity… this is bad design, a boss battle that boring that can go on for 5+ minutes is bad. Especially on lowest diffculty.

Go back and play L4D on the lowest difficulty. Lowest diffculty for this game should be about the same. You can fail, but you sort of have to try to fail, you have to not grasp the fundamentals of the genre. The groups that I’ve been defeated with were not bad, they were just undergeared. Undergeared… for the lowest difficulty. The one group I succeeded with was because we had someone who was level 14, not because we played any better, or any worse before. Some numbers need tuning. My reaction to the “”“difficulty”"" was not oh wow this is hard, I need to focus up, it was wow I’m embarrassed for whoever didn’t fix this before it shipped. Really, the rest of recruit difficulty is completely fine so far, it’s just whenever you run into a boss that’s not tuned right that it sucks.

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no, i don’t accept it. i want more people playing vermintide on it’s brutal difficulties. to do that, we need to find solutions to ease new players in to the game so they don’t just quit after a few games because they’re not finding any joy in getting defeated all the time.

the tutorial was great. bosses might be a bit overtuned for new players. in a previous patch fatshark reduced the amount of shield stormvermins in patrols, and berserkers seem to appear less too.