Diamantine Use Proposal

I think the vast majority of players see just how little use there is for Diamantine compared to how much Plasteel is needed. I have suggestion id like to make that would help players in crafting weapons but also give a purpose for the amount of unused Diamantine players have built up.

Allow us players to spend say 1,000 Diamantine so swap 1 modifier (say mobility) with another (say damage) a single time per weapon. This would help us players have a mush more consistent time rolling good weapons.

It feels god awful to roll a 370+ gray weapon from the armory and have an important stat be below 70% but the dump stat be upwards of 80%. there is already enough RNG in rolling good weapons when it comes to blessings and perks with only 2 modifications on 4 options without talkign about the modifiers themselves. But if this idea of swapping modifiers a single time was implemented that would become a much more consistent since even 340+ rated weapons could potentially become usable depending on stat distribution.


Imo burning though a few hundred thousand dockets to roll good 370+ weapons is easy enough, the real gripe I have with the crafting system is getting a high score weapon with good stat distribution only to brick it with bad blessings.

Id love it if you could spend Diamantine to strip a fully blessed weapon back to grey, just so getting bad rolls at the last stage of crafting doesn’t send you all the way back to the start with nothing to show for it.

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I support any and all ideas for cubes. My favorite, should the current lock system stay, is to pay a chunk of cubes to unlock a lock.

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Maybe I have crap luck but I roll 370+ weapons with the wrong stat getting the lowest score all the time. I’ve actually started holding onto those in the case we ever get the chance to swap modifier percentages as I had suggested.

But I also don’t disagree with you on the bad perk and blessing rolls. So why not give us both an option to swap 2 modifier %s with each other and the ability to wipe a weapon back to gray to try consecrating again.

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