Excess Diamantine

I’m still farming to get the best weapons for my toons, but there should be something that can be done with excess Diamantine. I’m constantly using up all my plasteel trying to craft better weapons, but I’ve got tons of diamantine and not much to use it on; I’ve got nearly 30,000 units of diamantine now. Seems like it could be exchanged for plasteel, or traded for credits, usable for currency to buy outfits, or even traded for weapons in sufficient quantity.


Yea there should be a converter, like 2 plasteel for 1 diamantine etc

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1000 damatine, weapon lock removal. I mean that would make sense, so this will never happen.


Or 5% increase on one of the stats… or both.

If the only use for a currency is to convert it into another one, you might as well retire the extra currency.

There are things FS could do with Dia. A certain amount to unlock crafting locks has already been mentioned. Additional cosmetics would be another possible sink.

FS could also “just” rethink the amount of steel and dia we find in damnation. By far the most boring solution, but that would make the extra pile of dia stop swelling, and grant the people who are not yet tired of Hadron bricking stuff more steel to feed her abyssal hunger.

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