Devs, do Commendation Chests drop reds now?

Seriously Necro’d twice???

for the love of all that is good, stop the brain eating zombies!

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I signed up just to post this, I have almost all red (veteran) items on all characters and I was knocking out some achievements so I was playing as Shade, I opened a commendation chest and got red (Veteran) daggers from it…blew my mind! I don’t know if it makes a difference but it was from like 50 levels after 35 and I was doing a double emperor’s chest deed at the time. I have 700 or so hours logged and have opened hundreds (or more?) of these things with me rarely even getting exotic (orange) items so the red one was shocking. Anyway, just wanted to let you know…still using those daggers!

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Yes, commendation chests drop reds. This thread is a serious work of necromancy though, as such, it’s heresy.
