Devious Delvings: FREE New Map coming January 23rd

The second level of the new Verminous Dreams campaign is coming out this week!


We hope you enjoyed the Holidays and are itching for more Vermintide! In early December last year, we released a brand new map ‘The Forsaken Temple’, and it’s already time for another.

‘Devious Delvings’ is the second installment of the Verminous Dreams campaign and picks up where the last mission left off. Our Heroes have successfully infiltrated the ruined Elven temple that Skaven has taken over; it’s now time to investigate what they’re up to.

This new map will arrive on January 23rd, FREE for all owners of Vermintide 2!


So 1st map

We have Witch Hunter, Mercenary, Waystalker, Pyromancer or Battle Wizard and Ranger (I’m not sure on that ne)

And now we have: Bounty hunter (Relentless Reiklander I think), Mercenary, Sister of the Thorn, Unchained (?) and no idea for Bardin

That looks like a lot of Skaven “architecture” which will gloriously explode at the end of the mission


I wouldn’t have it any other way, lads!

Looks more like shade in premium skin to me, not sott


:axe::rat: :crossed_swords:

Good eyes

Seeing it with the 2h Sword make me wish we had a Druchii\Har Ganeth Executioner Sword

Á bit off topic but your pfp tells me that you’re a man of culture^^

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I didn’t expect part 2 for Verminous Dreams to come out so soon. Y’all are working overtime on this.

The first map was incredible, so I’m very excited for the next one. Hopefully the fix for emote wheel and summon vermintide will come with the update.


Wow, already? That’s great, I thought we had a looong wait ahead of us. Is there an estimate as to when the weapon DLC is dropping? Q1, Q2, that sort of thing.

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I’m really excited for this. Earlier on I thought this map-pack might pick up the Athel Yenlui plotline. Now I’m hoping that the skaven pulling the strings will be no other than Thanquol, linking together this plotline with Shadow of the Horned Rat :star_struck:


Looks like Iron Breaker with a Rifle Bardin, could also be Ranger or Engineer heh. Still we know its a Dwarf at least!

Ranger with grey hair skin.


The backpack doesn’t fit for Outcast Engineer, as for IB, I’d have to check, but I don’t think it fit either

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The Mission is out!!!

It’s RV’s V1 skin.