So… Devastating Strike blessing went from “Ignore hit mass on crit” to “+cleave% on hit”
While I generally don’t mind rebalancing blessings this one was completely repurposed, or, better say, replaced with something totally different…
On top of that, the new +cleave% on crit is super weak compared to the existing +cleave% blessings that exist on the same weapons…
I really don’t understand why you had to destroy the blessing and make it obsolete and who in their right minds of the people who spent 450 hours testing patch 13 suggested this change or agreed that it’s a good one…
Personally, I feel “duped” having invested an absurd amount of time to roll level-4 Devastating Strike for it to become obsolete.
Take a look at this:
these are the ones i got that are now useless
Can we return Devastating Strike to its former utility or something similar?
Make it a bit like Brutal Momentum, for example: “+x% finesse damage, ignores hit mass on critical hit”
It’s a very bland change; with the improvement to Chainsword’s innate cleave, it’s Savage Sweep Lite.
If you have 1 - 2 targets, you probably won’t notice the benefit except on specific enemies. If you have 3 targets, Savage Sweep is both more reliable and strong. Same with Wrath; 2 hits with Tier IV and you’ve matched the performance of Tier IV Devastating Strike.
It was interesting and had a niche. Now, there’s no reason to pick it. It’s like Superiority vs Slaughterer before the patch - why take 5% on Elite kill when you can take 15% on any kill.
The blessing getting nerfed doesn’t bother me, so much as the fact that it’s no longer unique and interesting.
Oh look.
To the surprise of absolutely noone, people are having issues with blessing rebalances, because we still have rng crafting and crafting locks.
Dear FS, pelase resolve this issue.
Remove diamantine cost from consecration and let us spend diamantine on
I’m not! I’m just confused why they went with “We have 2 +Cleave blessings, I think we need another”. Devastating Strike at least have some subtle difference from +Cleave to justify its existence.
Ofc; I’m not diminishing the fact that locks cause problems for people. Removing the locks won’t make Devastating Strike an attractive blessing option though
Feels like a kneejerk change after they had so many complaints about Brutal Momentum. Wanted to avoid that situation with Devastating Strike, I guess. Too bad they made it mediocre instead of doing something similar to BMo.
Strike had a nice niche on Zealot with its guaranteed crit on charge. You could use the chainsword special and cleave through trash to hit an elite mixed in the horde. It’s pretty lame that this blessing is just gone now.