What is the difference between Devastating strike tier 2-4
They all say ignore enemy hit mass on critical hit. What is the difference between the tiers?
Iirc the blessing used to be like Brutal Momentum, except it was triggered by critical hits, not by weakspot kills.
So it granted a timed buff (higher tier → longer duration) that made your attacks ignore hitmass.
This was changed and now all the tiers of the blessing seem to have an identical effect.
No idea why they did that, considering that this is now probably the only blessing in the game, that behaves completely identical on all tiers.
So fatshark did a fatshark and unfunned it.
That is because we were assuming design of blessings was well well thought out, where everything so far points out that wasn’t. Like character creation, mission selection and itemisation/crafting (just top 3 for me) blessings are another totally undercooked, unbalanced and often broken system.
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