Dev Blog: Deep Dive into the Shrine

This person took the words out of my mouth. I promise; they’re gently used.

Edit: (for better clarity in why I share this opinion) : I agree with everything, but specifically silo-ing resources for each character will lead to people burning-out on each individual character much faster and more consistantly across the entire playerbase.

Take a tip from MMOs, things are better when you can grind resources for your alts on your main.


Oh great, I can’t wait to spend time playing this game by basically playing slot games on the Mourningstar rolling for the best possible weapon and then proceeding to the next slot machine then upgrading them hoping to get a good perk and a blessing.

I basically paid 40 bucks for an entrance to a Casino. Thanks Fatshark!


This sounds very nice!
FatShark, once this patch drops i ll be back killing heretics for a while!

You told us that you heard our feedback about the level of RNG and lack of player agency in Vermintide games, and that Darktide itemisation, loot and crafting are going to be different. However in Darktide we have ended up with RNG heavy game systems for perk and blessing combinations.

Guys, please give us full control on weapon crafting, don’t lock perks and blessings. Instead focus on making all perks and blessings desirable by achieving required damage breakpoints and by providing attractive bonuses. Provide reasons to craft MULTIPLE weapons of the same type with different perk and blessing combinations, instead of locking FEW desirable weapon perk and blessing combos behind RNG.

Learn to respect our time.


The fact Emperor’s Blessing items were on a timer and not after the end of every mission was a suboptimal decision compared to previous 40k Fatshark games.

Locking blessings is a BIG mistake, the whole point of rolling is for god rolls and by saying you can’t roll more than one just means people will need half god rolls before they try for the other half. It also is a step back from the crafting system of previous Fatshark ‘-tide’ games.

Also lets look at something that has still been standing and unanswered. Why is there no mention of removing the silo’ing of gear between characters compared to VT1 and VT2? A key point people have been requesting over and over again. During a previous thread Aqshy said the following.

Why are dockets, crafting materials, Melk currency and curios not shared between characters like silver, crafting materials and trinkets were in VT1 and VT2?

I can get why you wouldn’t allow weapons, greatswords weren’t shared between Kruber and Saltzpyre in VT2 and one-handed swords weren’t shared between either of them and Sienna.
You haven’t even told us what the “game’s design intent” was with siloing progress. With a lack of actual direct explanation all we have is speculation.

I want an improvement over release basegame VT2. We have that with gameplay but not mission selection or the crafting system. I won’t talk on mission selection cause that’s not what this thread is about. Siloing has currently killed all urge I have to engage with the crafting system.

One step forward, two steps back.


We can get weapons not in the store, good.
We will get more drops, good.
You decreased the weekly grind, good.

“The perk that was not chosen to be refined will become locked for this weapon.”
“The other blessing that was not chosen will become locked.”
If you don’t get rid of this sh-t then the crafting system seems pointless to me, and I will mostly ignore it. You are making the crafting system worse on purpose.


so i thiiiiink one of those is a T4 only, correct me if i’m wrong? if so it’s 1/12 chance to roll any specific blessing, but you’re looking for two of them so that’s 1/6 to get the “good” outcome. leveling an item to blue is 350p/50d i think? if it took you six rolls to get there (someone better at math than me can work out the specific probability) that cost you 2100 plasteel and 300 diamantene, then an additional 1200 plas/500 d to get it to gold and however much it is to roll perks + move a blessing.

3300p and 800d, plus ?. i think that’s under 15 hours of damnation, that’s pretty close to your objective. that leaves you with (base stats) + two blessings you wanted, one of which will be lower level + one perk you like and one of a set of two perks you disliked least. this is why the profane items makes such a difference and will be so relevant to determine how “fair” the system is. or how player friendly. the smaller the blessing pool or more blessings you are targeting the better the chances are.

Blink twice if the other Swedish horde shooter developers from Payday 2 has guns to your heads and are forcing you to continue making tone deaf design decisions.


also, you see exorsist so so much less often because it’s the product of two rare outcomes - first, the item slot is a force sword, so that’s 1/however many items psyker has and however curios interact with that chance. then once you’ve rolled your force sword you need a 1/12 chance to hit that specific one.

flamers are in the same boat, flamer blessings SEEM insanely rare but it’s because that item could be any of 17 other weapons, and a ton of those other weapons share blessings. flamer has the combination of a rare item and unique blessings making them super super rare.

I don’t know, they all have ranges so multiple tiers. I think the math is different though. If you have 13 blessings ( and let’s assume just tier 3’s for now) that’s actually only 1/39 to get what you REALLY want (just for a max blessing). There are 20 perks in the game all tiers 1-4. That’s a 1/80 chance of getting the perk you REALLY want. That’s 1/1040 (forgetting modifiers since I don’t know the likelihood that will be). Assuming my math is right that’s a %0.09 chance of getting that… for one weapon, on one character. I am arguing most people will not just settle for the 3/13 or 4/80 options where they get the right type of perk and blessing, but any tier. Which is still 3/260 at %1.15 chance (assuming I am doing my combinations and permutations right), probably not.

Your calculation is also assuming someone is efficient at getting damnation runs done while hunting for resources, and not failing and losing a majority of it. Let alone how hard it is to find players right now in heresy or damnation.

It’s way worse than that. The blessings DO NOT have an equal chance of appearing on a weapon. The bad blessings are far more likely to appear.


the plasteel would be the limiting factor, you’d hit that in diamantene in like three games. you’d be compromising on the blessing level almost certainly - your first blessing roll doesn’t like rolling above level 2 for some reason. you’d probably need to luck into rolling it on your second roll, which is less likely if you’re mostly rolling blues.

perks are more brutal for sure, but perks are also less relevant in terms of power? and you always could level an absolute toooooon of them to green until you got so many with a perk you liked or at least throw away any perks you hate at the lowest cost. imo that would be a waste but if it bothered you that grind is there.

i think it is purely RNG, the absolute worst kind where there’s no weighing at all. blessings that roll on a lot of items (flipping limbsplitter, lol) will as such turn up a ton and blessings that roll on specific items will turn up very seldom. but in my observation something like shred is roughly as common as limbsplitter (being in the same boat) and there’s a huge power differential there. now t4 blessings are insanely uncommon and as such T4 only blessings are even rarer, and T4 only blessings that occur on one weapon are lottery winning odds.

i absolutely could be mistaken tho, please correct me if they’ve said otherwise. the interviews i’ve read seem to indicate that they simply added exactly equal probability and ran with it, and didn’t even do basic odds until super late in the process, since they were caught off guard with some of the probabilities.

You’re wrong. They have confirmed that blessing have different chances to appear. In fact, a lot of the good blessings only have a small chance to appear on orange weapons, and will never appear on lower grade weapons.

Devs have stated as much on this forum, just not in official information posts. One of the ways they nerfed Infernus for instance, was making it only have a tiny chance to appear on orange weapons, and close to zero or actual zero on lower grade.


Yep can confirm. Some blessings only roll on higher weapon grades.

You would think they would just balance all blessings instead of making some “rare” because they’re better.

Not to mention some blessings seem broken or non-functioning on certain weapons (suppressing fire on flam thrower or purgatus staff)

well i mean they do, t4 only blessings again are stupidly rare, and i hope they mitigate the heck out of it. there will be many many fewer power cycler items out there than almost any other item since you need to roll 1) a power sword, 2) a T4 blessing and 3) one specific T4 blessing out of a pool.

i have sub 10 T4 items total. you would predict these items would be vanishingly rare.


Is there any mention of performance optimization for rtx series?

No, although I have a 2070 RTX and I don’t run into problems.

right but that doesn’t mean some blessings are weighed more or less highly. the higher your item level the better your table is in terms of tiers, but i don’t think there’s any correlation at all between it and the outcome you get, from observation. the system gives you T4 limbsplitter exactly as often as some T4 chase rare on that item, it’s just you don’t notice or care.

this is utterly atrocious game design, it really is elementary stuff that truly random outcomes feel less fair to the player. you get streaks of bad luck and players remember it more than the good outcomes, even if they are exactly as likely.

No their post is about blessing types, not tiers of a blessing. Some blessings don’t show up (much or at all) until purple or orange. Which significantly increases the crafting cost to see if you lucked out.

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so you’re describing two interactions here. the first blessing roll you make while consecrating is at a tier disadvantage to the second roll. i don’t know exactly why this is? i speculated that maybe it’s letting the +item level influence the roll, but from observation the most likely outcome is T1 or T2, then T2 or T3 on the second (380 items mostly roll T3 on their second roll).

the second roll has a range that includes the breakpoint for T4, (i have heard anecdotally that technically the first can also it’s just vanishingly unlikely, grain of salt). so on the second roll you have a chance to get a T4 blessing, including any in the pool that can go to T4 and the chase rare. you are just as likely to get T4 brutal momentum than power cycler on your power sword, they both go to 4.

as such there are many, many times more brutal momentums overall in the pool than power cycler - they roll on many more weapons, they roll on the much more common T1 to T3, and they are as likely to nip a T4 power sword roll than power cycler if you’re so fortunate. but from my casual observation i don’t think there’s any “cheating” ie there’s no weighing none of these outcomes are programmed to roll less often. they don’t have to be, the odds are already terrible.