The fact Emperor’s Blessing items were on a timer and not after the end of every mission was a suboptimal decision compared to previous 40k Fatshark games.
Locking blessings is a BIG mistake, the whole point of rolling is for god rolls and by saying you can’t roll more than one just means people will need half god rolls before they try for the other half. It also is a step back from the crafting system of previous Fatshark ‘-tide’ games.
Also lets look at something that has still been standing and unanswered. Why is there no mention of removing the silo’ing of gear between characters compared to VT1 and VT2? A key point people have been requesting over and over again. During a previous thread Aqshy said the following.
Why are dockets, crafting materials, Melk currency and curios not shared between characters like silver, crafting materials and trinkets were in VT1 and VT2?
I can get why you wouldn’t allow weapons, greatswords weren’t shared between Kruber and Saltzpyre in VT2 and one-handed swords weren’t shared between either of them and Sienna.
You haven’t even told us what the “game’s design intent” was with siloing progress. With a lack of actual direct explanation all we have is speculation.
I want an improvement over release basegame VT2. We have that with gameplay but not mission selection or the crafting system. I won’t talk on mission selection cause that’s not what this thread is about. Siloing has currently killed all urge I have to engage with the crafting system.
One step forward, two steps back.