Darktide laucher freezes my amd software

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when i have my amd software on and when i launch darktide it will freeze my amd software

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No, I don’t use mods

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PC - Steam

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seems like a driver issue to me, are yours up to date? If so, have you tried reverting to an older driver?

I did reverse it to an older version its the current version of it that has and alot of People also has problems with it

You might want to share this with AMD. :slight_smile:

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got it

also ive been wondering that the head gear effects bug is noticed ? i have that problem for almost 3 months now just wondering nothing els

Ooh, could you show us the issue you’re thinking of? I’ll then look it up for you. :slight_smile:

when i play with muffed head gear in the meatgrinder it works fine but when im out the meat grinder the muffed head gear and my amd driver is at the moment working not good i cant make an video atm

I see you have custom tuning set. Are you sure it’s stable? Messing with things like voltage especially can easily cause games and the software to crash or not work at all.

yeah what is the stable way of tuning if i may asking i have an 7800 card

Annoyingly you have to try tuning things a little bit at a time and see what crashes a game or your whole PC. The easiest way around that is to search your exact card + brand + overclock and see what others have been able to get working and then hope your card can handle it. For example, I’d search “sapphire pulse 7900XT stable overclock” and try what others have done then hope it works. Silicon lottery and all that, your card just might not be able to OC.

Still just to be sure beforehand, set your GPU tuning to default and see if the crashes go away.

i tunred off everything but not the fans

nope still happing

In that case my guide for fully wiping your driver might help

I made this to help fix crashes on load screens but it should still be easy to follow for your case

should i turn on steam cloud on darktide ?

nope its still freezing

my quess it an curtain update on darktide cause it on other games play there is like no problem

it was fine before till late novmber
when the havoc update came then it was happing with my amd software

You can turn it back on after you boot the game up and make sure it’s working.

i tried it yesterday and even did an clean pc instal and its still freezing problem