Darktide 2: Astartes Traitoris

Eventually Inquisition and the remaining loyal PDF regiments have failed to extinguish the Moebian 6th rebellion and now Plague Marines have appeared and fully established dominion over the Tertium Hive. Under the leadership of Wulfen (newly ascended into a Chaos Champion after successfully led the rebellion), they are plotting to sacrifice the entire planet in a vile ritual, aiming for their beloved corrupted Primarch to be reborn into the material plane.

At last, the closest available Space Marine Chapter answered the desperate call for help and sent a sizable strike force with the orders of searching and destroying whatever heretical chaos filth they find and if possible salvage whatever can be saved. They will operate in squads of four battle brothers with their combat specialty varying (Librarian, Aggressor, Intercessor, Inceptor). Let the purging begin!

PS: Wouldn’t be awesome? Playing an Astartes battle brother in first person with all the iconic weaponry and utilizing Darktide’s masterful gameplay and mechanics. Also we will kick some Heretic Astartes’ arses…


there’s already a bunch of space marine games, just… go play them. most of them are exactly what you wrote. the whole point of making darktide was showing the 40k setting from another angle besides “what are the supermen doing?”


It’s not that i suggest for the existing game to be changed. I am talking about a sequel. Also i am all ears to know about “what bunch of games” are you referring to since afaik there is no space marine game in first person utilizing the quality of darktide gameplay and mechanics. I am not talking about a generic super soldier pc game but specifically space marines through this tested and successful formula.

Ps. Just don’t tell me about Deathwing. Worst gameplay amd realisation in years.


This feels so tonally inconsistent with what the Tide games thrive at I’m not sure how to even critique beyond the above emojis.


boltgun and space marine are the main two spess muhreen shooters at the moment, and yes although deathwing sucks quite a bit E.Y.E divine cybermancy from the same devs is surprisingly decent once you get through all the jank and it’s very clearly imitating 40k

also no i really don’t want darktide but you play as an ogryn with a boltgun, it sounds like a massive step down from the current gameplay

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tbh no, because of the run and gun, slides and rush to enemy mechanics that imho doesnt show the style of fighting of an Astartes Space Marine, they move more like an Ogryn without the ability to slide and use heavy weaponry and wouldnt dance around with a combat knife.
If at all the best setting for Space Marines and Tides is maybe what Darkwing already did. Space Hulks versus Genestelaers/ Nids.

Darktide 2 isn’t needed (VT2 was needed cause VT1 had mechanical limitations toward what they could have brought, careers, weapons, enemy pathing, enemy models…). They can continue what they are doing without needing a new game.

Not every 40k game has to revolve around Primarch and SM. It’s a strength of the game, taking it out to implement SM would be a shame.

You do realise that those are much less varied than what we have currently ? So they have way less potential. If they do a game with a SM as an archetype they either should do it with the Deathwatch (To be able to introduce more varied forms of background and specialisations) or only have 1 or 2 Archetypes (So have a Sister of Battle; Tech Priest; Primaris Psyker or Librarian; and a Space Marine)

Would it be cool ? Sure.

Would it be cooler than what we have ? No.

Would it be the coolest thing the could do for the next (40k) tide game ? Also no.

  • Orks vs Tyranids: Playing as Ork Nobz (Melee centred); Flashgitz (Ranged centred); Weirdboy (Psyker like); Mekboy; and Killa Kan (Big Archetype)
  • Ynnari: Taking member for the Eldar, Dark Eldar and Harlequin

I’m sure that the SM fans would be interested in the game, but there are enough SM games around for them. I’d rather see other factions be featured, like Xenos as playable (Not in Darktide, but their own naratively separated game)


No :muscle:


No. Nonononono. Darktide is an amazing game thematicly and most of its issues are mechanical. There should be NO space marines in it. The game does NOT need them. I love the different view on 40k that dosent focus on dam space marines.

There are trillions of marine games out there…go play those.


space marine 2 is just around the corner, if fat shark wanted a space marine game they would of made one


I would love a darktide 2 in the sense that our current characters get bulked up and prestige into even better version of our classes.
vet-> inq storm trooper
preacher → Crusader
psyker → primaris psyker
ogryn → Bone head but implant dead or something
Maybe I’m reaching too far into the warp, but yeah that would be cool. The game is live service anyway, so it wouldn’t be that insane to think of in the future as FS progresses the story of Atoma.


don’t listen to what some people have to say, i like the idea lol deathwing was a huge letdown, but it did manage to do some things right that still make me want a good fps space marine game. throw in the sisters of battle for good measure~

i was actually just thinking about this last week, and i really hope they end up making one at some point. i really like the tps space marine game, namely the exterminatus mode, and i’m really looking forward to the second one, especially since it has a co-op campaign now. i still really want a good fps, though. being able to use all the iconic weapons as a astartes and sororitas would be a dream game for me.

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Oh wow, would you look at that. Another sm fanboy tries to stroke his/her ego, because of course nothing else exists in the setting outside of damn space marines. It’s not like they already have 3 games to themselves with 4th coming in a year.


What I like about this game is that it is so removed from Space Marines, it’s focus is on the normal human in the 40k universe. Space Marines are so rare as to be essentially mythical within the universe, entire wars spanning many star systems are fought without ever seeing a single Space Marine boot, and this is Inquisitor Grendyl’s private war thus far.

There’s plenty of other games out there where you can play a Space Marine blasting their way through everything. Space Marines are, to be blunt, boring AF as characters in most cases, the interesting fun things happen around them.

A cool step up for a sequel however may be to bring in the actual Chamber Militants or sort of “next level up” things for existing classes, stuff like Sisters of Battle, Inquisitorial Stormtroopers and Primaris Psykers.

If we’re going to do Space Marines, I’d way rather play as Chaos Marines. A small warband of Death Guard or something who find themselves on Atoma acting as Papa Nurgle’s blessed gift-bearers leading joyous infection parties deep within the hive to bring the Grandfather’s presents to the oppressed. Or maybe Iron Warriors looking to break the Hive’s defenses and collapse Imperial munitions production in the sector. Something like that.


Not to mention that Space Marine 2 is going to have us playing as a Primaris Space Marine. Playing as anything beyond that in a 40K video game would virtually be a constant God mode. A Custodes game would be cool, but it’d also be VERY boring until we can improve game engines enough to actually simulate combat scenarios in which a Custodes can die.

I love Darktide’s concoction of Veterans, Zealots, Psykers and Ogryn’s because they’re NOT overdone - and more classes can be added to expand upon it without adding the VERY overdone Space Marines. It’s unique, and it’s still a 40K video game that isn’t top-down garbage (like the majority of 40K video games are) and it has so much potential without even needing to make it another game about Space Marines saving the day.


Forget all that, I want to play as an Ork.


Space marine 2 is out in September

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Warhammer 40,000: Shootas, Blood and Teef


Warhammer 40,000: Dakka Squadron


Thanks for the encouragement! Nowadays it seems loving the all time classic Space Marines (i freaking love them since being a little kiddo) is not too common. Darktide is an awesome game with an original take playing as mere human / abhuman (and a psyker which is not just a human).

But i definitely cannot stop thinking about a game which will do right everything Deathwing did wrong. And who could do it better than FS? I think the Tide formula would do wonders both aesthetically and mechanically having the Astartes as customizable heros. Think of all the cosmetics, the weaponry, fighting traitor marines and demons alike. And all this while inside the iconic power armour… A freaking wet dream.

Also i can’t but only laugh at the people saying that there are plethora of SM shooter games out there. Especially when it’s notoriously known that most shooter games depicting space marines are a pile of garbage (with the sole exceptions of boltgun which is kinda satirical).

This implies that you think that Space Marine is garbage. I’m not sure how to respond to that. Please tell me that you forgot to include it with Boltgun.