Damage not being applied to targets on Surge Staff correctly

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I think the damage is not being applied to enemies correctly.

Rather than applying the damage to targets individually hit, it is sharing the damage of the attack amongst all the targets hit.

For example.

4 targets are hit with a total of 1200 with buffs.
Target 1 - takes 900 points of damage
Target 2 - takes 100
Target 3 - takes 100
Target 4 - takes 100

This is why despite hitting 4/5 enemies, it will only kill one or two if you are lucky, despite having 6 warp charges and all the buffs available. If a special enemy is amongst them, it may not kill any of them.

If this is not a bug, then this is the only weapon in the game that applies it damage amongst targets, rather applying it targets individually and needs to be corrected.

Could imagine how pathetic the Rumbler would be if the damage from the grenade was not applied individually to each target hit, but shared between each target hit. The weapon would be useless.

Void, Purg, and trauma staffs apply their (max) damage to individual targets and not share it out like it was a pool?

The surge staff is meant to be a single target staff, so I assume this behaviour is intended.

Then why does it spread?

If it’s single target, then it’s awful damage for the length of time it takes to charge.

cus originally it was a (bad and useless) aoe staff and that behaviour is just vestigial

And no it’s bad and stuggles to kill anything.

basically they made the old staff into the smite power and gave it some upgrades, and instead the staff got reworked into a high damage single target weapon cus there wasn’t a staff that wasn’t aoe.

Well, they made it useless… It does nowhere near enough damage, gets out DPS by every gun in the game.

You spend 2-3 seconds charging the thing to kill one lesser. I will up a video to show it at some point.

It’s pathetic… Hitting multiple targets doesn’t mean it’s AoE… It needs to hit and do full damage to 4/5 targets max.

The only use to surge is swapping before the attack finishes with warp flurry so it can deal bottom tier DPS to all targets but ignore aim and armor type. The damage difference for letting the final hit launch is diddly cancel it with QQ and charge up more. Its even more tiring for my fingers than just playing the game. Desperately needs a buff…

I thought current Surge only hit 2 targets? A main one and a secondary stun? Might need to test it out myself if that is the case.

Either way, despite it’s lackluster preformance I believe it is intended to function that way.

Well that sucks… I have video and it’s 3-4 targets… you can see the branches

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If I get on at aome point in the near future I’ll test it myself. I could’ve just been missing it.

But seeing as their hasn’t been much discussion around Surge since they fixed the limb targeting issues I assume it is working as intended.

Just life the knife is the most deadly weapon in the game…

And the wonder why people call the game broken.

Anyway, here is me vid.

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Thanks for the video, but doesn’t this show that it only hits 2 targets?

This weapon doesn’t have many advantages besides unlimited ammunition, and its damage is really too low

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Around 1:40 you can see it hitting 3-4


There are some points in the video it more than two…

Either way, for a long casting time, it does pathetic damage and for a weapon that is supposed high single point damage, it doesn’t even do that.

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Honestly I feel like that might be the bugged behavior rather than the damage distribution. Especially as it appears to be horrible inconsistent. Is it intended to consistently chain 4 targets? Or 2?

Also might be an issue where Psykanium and in game work differently.

If I can manage the motivation to do it I might do more thorough testing. We’ll see.

But yes no matter what its still not good atm.

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The damage is horribly inconsistent too.

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Done plenty of auric maelstroms with surge staff and have gotten top special/elite kills with it. Focus flak damage + crit chance for perks, get warp flurry and warp nexus for higher crit chance and stay at high peril levels for maximum bonuses. Surge staff gets relatively high bonus crit damage especially when rolled with high crit stat, so use it to your advantage. With crits, it can easily one-shot most specials and elites.

Surge staff works best on flak as it receives bonus damage when attacking armored enemies. Make sure to fully charge, and the lightning zap can be animation-cancelled for even faster damage. Spread on surge staff is only meant to stagger, only the main hit is supposed to deal actual damage as chain-lightning functionality is meant for smite now.

Surge staff does not have the highest single target damage compared to voidstrike as voidstrike has travel time and requires headshotting. Surge staff has incredible range, instant travel time, stunlocks the moment it lands (sans mutants and bosses), and can absolutely melt patrols of ogryns, gunners, and ragers if played correctly.

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Nope. It’s bottom tier damage. It’s a laughably bad staff.