Look this might not be a popular opinion, but I feel I need the devs to hear me out.
Long story short, the Surge staff now feels useless. Early builds it was a great CC weapon but now we have smite. Then after Patch 13 it was an amazing single target staff and a lot of fun to use, it didn’t feel OP it just felt fun!
But now there is no reason to use it, it isn’t fun anymore or viable in higher difficulties. That time spent rolling to get the right stats is now rendered moot.
Also to add insult to injury Fatshark, you took out the satisfying gore explosion after an enemy dies to the Surge Staff or Smite, was that unintentional? or have you become a thief of joy? Some of us enjoy the little things you know.
If the Devs do see this, please bring back how the Surge Staff was before this patch. It’s wasn’t broken or OP it was just fun. Oh and also please put the bloody explosion on kill back to, that would be great
The explosion was great, it made surge and smite feel good to use. Now enemies just collapse or parts of their body just disappear, might as well add a fart noise when they die. This is bs…
Still, something weird is happening with it. It’s making less damage than usual even with the 6 warp charges
It seems to randomly target parts of the enemy instead of always choosing the “body” as it previously did. If you get bad luck and hit arms / legs, it does like half the damage.
edit: sorry, the reply system is kind of funky, but yeah it seems to be a patch 15 bug
The buggy combination of Surge staff + Empowered Psionic was grossly overpowered.
When I was teamed with psykers who (ab)used this bug it was difficult to reach any enemies before they had already exploded by surge.
Maybe the Surge staff is a bit underwhelming without the unintended EP buff. But it definitely does NOT need +125% damage.
Yet I can see my fully charged attack kill 1 single mob, while an uncharged left click on the plasma cannon creates a hole in a horde.
The same was true yesterday. The Surge staff could kill an ogryn faster, but it was useless against bosses and against mobs.
It was good to protect your party members without killing yourself in the process through peril.
Right now it’s useless. It needs 50%+ damage increase or 50%+ less peril generation.
Everyone here that is replying with " empowered psionics fixed." Or some version of that just stop.
This is about how the staff targets LIMBS now at random, effectively nerfing the damage to be inconsistent at best.
There is some sort of broken interaction or bug causing surge staff to take on a property like that of smite.
Return the staff to just hitting body as its only mode of targetting and it will revert back to pre-empowered psionics levels thus bringing it back to reasonable balance.
Go ahead. USE IT NOW. you will notice how much weaker you feel.
I never used that combo to be fair, although I had heard how busted it was, I never experienced it. As for my own experience playing with Psykers the Surge Staff was never an issue or annoyance. Assail on the other hand…
Not much fun when everything is dead before you can hit it cause a Psyker is spamming assail, I doubt the Surge Staff could top that.
Now that we have firmly established that the surge/empowered psionics exploit was dumb we can get around to discussing/addressing the actual new issue with the staffs targeting and damage output.
Some of us have used it since beta, and its gone through its ups and downs in terms of power. Fatshark cant seem to find a sweet spot, or they break it all together.
Btw this staff was never good at putting up damage before EP threw it out of whack it was about the utility and control it gave while doing “decent” damage under the right build/blessings.
Now it is a pale shadow of a pale shadow, and that isnt balance.
I think the limb attack happens only on the second and third ricochet, I can’t seem to be able to get any orange hitmark against enemies standing alone in the psykanium.
Let’s be a little more tolerant and assume that there are only three cases, a hit to the head, a hit to the body, and a hit to the limbs, that is, one-third gets 130% damage, one-third gets normal damage, and one-third half-damage.
This does not look like an buff, but a nerf.