Issue Description:
Crusher (or horde?) attack passing through 92-95% of toughness while Unwavering Focus was still active. I’ve got downed in one shot from 150+ health and 222 toughness so fast the toughness value burned in my memory (Imagine full toughness bar and “red_downed_bar” instead of health).
Steps to Reproduce:
I have no idea what to tell you… in my 800-900 hours spent on mashing heretics it’s the first time I’ve saw something like that. Surrounding enemies: 1 crusher, 3 fistfuls of pox walkers mixed with dregs of melee variety (no stalkers) and 1 or 2 ragers for taste.
Mission Name (If Applicable):
The One, The Only - Scan Mission
Player ID:
Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
22.06.2023, GMT+2; 18:46-48
Reproduction Rate:
Upload Supporting Evidence:
I’m afraid I have none… I’ve asked other players if they are recording the game but apparently they did not.
Upload Console Log & darktide_launcher.log:
I don’t think logs could be useful in this case.