Crashes while loading the last map

I was the host.

While loading the last map, my game crashed.

my friend was in my squad, and he got stuck in the endless loading screen.

I tried to join the group by making him invite me back to the game, but a “connection timeout” happened.
'console-2021-04-27-21.52.52-261b1f51-e34b-4fc7-838e-a8ad312d7f22.log (1.7 MB)
crash_dump-2021-04-27-21.52.52-261b1f51-e34b-4fc7-838e-a8ad312d7f22.dmp (764.5 KB)

uploading the log when the crash happened and the crash dump data file.

hope this helps and this frustrating crash never happens again.

I’ve added your report to our database and we’ll investigate, sorry for the inconvenience.

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