Crash on Launch, Even after Common fixes

Game does not start. I’ve gone through the knowledge base (Verify files, Delete the Darktide folder in %appdata%…)
Thanks in advance


Player ID:

Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
11/18/2022 2100 PST

Reproduction Rate:
Constant (100%)

Upload Console Log:
No Console Log

Upload darktide_launcher.log:
darktide_launcher.log (6.1 KB)

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Are there no console logs produced? :frowning:

Thats correct. I have the following folders (re)populate after attempting to start the game-


Re-attempted after turning my system on for the morning. Still no luck.

After experimenting last night, I am able to “Start” the game through executing either the start_protected_game.exe or the Darktide.exe. It gets as far as “Press Space” and then throws up a backend error.

Launcher.exe will not execute, neither as normal or as admin.

Crash on launcher
Something went wrong in the Shader Cache Builder process Exit Code = -1073741819
DxDiag.txt (78.6 KB)
user_settings.config (372 Bytes)

GUID: d3149b38-9e11-4d06-8d24-c5bceeb5259f
Log File:
Info Type:

console-2022-11-19-19.18.15-d3149b38-9e11-4d06-8d24-c5bceeb5259f.log (5.8 KB)
console-2022-11-19-04.49.40-96c5cc44-0c5f-4da7-bb99-125b1803476e.log (5.7 KB)
console-2022-11-19-04.50.32-aeeeb24f-470d-4261-ace4-497dfe6ea3ce.log (5.8 KB)
console-2022-11-19-04.51.33-51f3d383-8087-4d2f-a74a-9067751aeca1.log (5.8 KB)
console-2022-11-19-04.52.30-efedc479-ecbb-450b-b758-ea034986c694.log (5.8 KB)