Crash after a match ends during loading screen

This occurs after a match has ended while loading back into the Mourningstar.

GUID: 61757b96-0d4c-4eed-be6f-3ddd9f74422e
Log File:
Info Type:

Steam, PC

Player ID:

Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
3:22 PM, AEST

Reproduction Rate:

Constant (100%)

Upload Supporting Evidence:
Screenshot 2023-10-10 151946

This is a bit of an unusual crash admittedly, is it persisting with our latest update?

Yes unfortunately, just finished a match with the same result. My drivers were updated today but that didn’t seem to resolve it either. I have also tried verifying the files in Steam and that did not work as well.

GUID: e4f1029c-15a6-439a-977f-705e6b4e9831
Log File:
Info Type:

Hello, just wanted to update on this. I lowered my graphic settings to medium and this seems to have fixed the crashing; however, I get the 2014 error code disconnect, sometimes followed with a crash while trying to load back in

We are working on Error Code: 2014. Could you tell me which ISP you’re with please?

I’m with Telstra, from Australia. Hope this helps :+1: