Crashing after every single mission

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game crashes after every single match, victory or defeat when transitioning back to the mourningstar. it starts the load screen briefly then crashes. having various disconnection and crashing problems seemingly like other people have been much more sporadically, but this is the one that is absolutely constant. it did this during the previous beta as well.

GUID: 8eb64f82-e31d-46fc-94e1-dfb58ff7b952
Log File:
Info Type:
console-2022-11-21-03.09.11-8eb64f82-e31d-46fc-94e1-dfb58ff7b952.log (179.5 KB)

user_settings.config (3.2 KB)

Thank you for letting us know - we’ll check it out.

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i would really appreciate any feedback. i would have easily put in triple the hours i have if i could just stay in the game.

:slightly_frowning_face: still happening after every single mission even after todays update. crashing every time i go back to the mourningstar from the mission completion menu(victory or defeat). if this is a hardware issue i’m desperate to know so i can handle it accordingly.