Here to represent Solo Mode since we’re coming up on the 2 year anniversary of the promise to add it. Chaos Wastes and Weaves equivalents are my second and third picks.
After thinking about it for a while I think the penance system needs looking at too. Some of them are horrible. Feels like you have to play a weird setup and gimp random peoples games possibly hoping for a specific situation to happen.
Some of them feel very poorly thought out. I think the dev responsible for them should go into random public games and try to complete them for a few days before they do that rework too… so they understand what’s wrong with them. They should be forced to stream that experience too lol
I wish we could get procedurally generated maps in Tide games, just like in DRG, but the tech is simply not there to do it in the current engine.
At least not with the same map quality…
I really want to see a storyline type - Campaign like mode. We have just the draft of a script here… This is what the best GW writer can come up with ?
Come on. Can’t be the only one…
Fix the bugs, of course - always priority n1. Keep Adding cool weapons and maps like every quarter. But ! If we are going to vote for a new mode, please, knit the missions into a neat story, you can even put the voxes instead of cinematic cutscenes and make a nice campaign to use to hook new people to the game. Also it will be great for us veterans to follow the DAMN story of this thing for once
Judging by previous records I would say after big update like Itemization Overhaul we should expect a new enemy. Probably Pox Trapper xD
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