Counter-Fire not highlighting all ranged enemies

I’m referring to primarily the Scab Stalker. The developers have stated that this is due to the fact that they are a mid-close ranged enemy. However I’d like to point out that the AI behavior, at least in my experience, is that of a ranged enemy first. Yes the Scab Stalker will try to rush you more, but slightly and not enough to nerf a major ability against ranged enemies.

If the scab stalker charged more, and the game spawned only a few along with what the developers actually classify as ranged units this wouldn’t be an issue. However the game spawns large clusters of them and they engage you like every other ranged squad.




Yes, it’s not a bug.

Basically this is the Scab Stalker, they (and the Dreg Stalker) are basically ranged units that are expected to pull out their melee weapons when in close range, while Shooter aren’t, and use their bayonets.

Now as it canbe noticed, you have Scab Shooters, which are highlighted, Dreg Stalker who also are highlighted, and Scab Stalker who aren’t.

Now I can see 3 possible changes:

  • Nothing change and maybe the tool tip is clarified (Which is the one I’m leaning as 2nd option)
  • Counter fire is buffed → All Stalker get targetted (Which it doesn’t need)
  • Counter fire is nerfed → No Stalker get targetted (Which is a situational nerf)

Other case is changing the name of the Dreg Stalker to Dreg Shooter, and calling it a day (With Tool tip change)

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Hence why I put it in feedback, in my opinion it needs the buff to balance out the fact you use a skill point for it and you are simply taking a squishy range focus, and giving up Infiltrate witch arguably can be way better, depending on the team and playstyle.


Take Counterfire and Relentless

If Scab Stalker are added then it’s a massive buff, when you’re facing Scab, which the ability doesn’t need ti

as the text says “all ranged enemies” It should highlight All ranged enemies


This has been an issue since the beginning of time. FS wants to die on the nonsensical hill of Scab Stalker not counting despite having ranged, very unlikely to ever change.

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