Could we talk about unreliable audio ques in Darktide

History likes repeating itself I suppose?


I would argue the backstab sounds in Darktide are slightly better than in Vermintide 2, where at least myself could not rely on those at all. Darktide backstab sounds COULD still use some work as it happens that (due to latency?) you hear the backstab warning sound too late.

What however I find TOTALLY unreliable are various audio ques for specials. It’s a regular experience for specials to spawn FAR AWAY as the audio que suggests, only to not make ANY SOUND until they are literally humping you.

This isn’t latency issue, this could be partly explained by the specials using the door system to teleport close to your position, but this is NOT always the case.

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Agreed. Some specials have audio cues and don’t appear until over a minute later. Others will down you in complete silence. Just silently walk up behind you and knock you out, THEN start playing audio.

Shotgunners are the most troublesome of the elite enemies, they don’t sound a warning, but they can empty your shield with a single hit and damage your HP at the same time, their damage is too strong and they are not noticeable enough.

And it even appears in multiples, and I think these elites should also get some obvious warning prompts.

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