Community Comm-Link 16th February 2023

I’m very glad that everything is account locked because the first T4 blessing I see is probably on the least played character in my roster.

The problem is that I lack the sire milk coins because I never play the character and I haven’t touched the contracts this week because splitting my time between 4 characters would mean I could get nothing done. Ok well I got some contract re-rolls because I stacked credits, no problem. Well I go to reroll a bunch of other painful contracts and of course it bugs out and won’t let me re-roll the one that takes something like 6 hours to do.

Doing the contracts I DO NOT have enough credits to get either without the bonus.

I HAVE the credits on other characters!

I PUT the time in!

I even have enough for essentially infinite re-rolls but this stupid fing system is designed to do nothing but waste my god dam time.

This is either essence of my problem with a system that is Entirely Random and entirely locked to the character because who the hell knows HOW LONG it will take to even see another T4.

I don’t even know WHY this would roll on the Ogryn since I basically got it to 30 and stopped playing him. I’m 100% convinced that the entire point of them sticking to this system and making it as painful as humanly possible is so they can pat themselves on the back when they eventually fix it because I have no idea why they are so dearest on wasting everyone’s time.

Edit: case and point the current credit and crafting mats count on my other 3 characters which currently have jack worth buying.

Like what is even the argument for this? I played the game, I did the contracts, I put the time in and I’m being punished for not having the precognition to know “oh I need to have this many credits on this character at this time or I’ll miss 2 tier 4 blessings”.

There is no defence for this bs.

Edit 2: I give up with this system. After just not seeing Deflector at all I get 2 back to back. I’m not even happy about it I’m just MAD because this stupid loot system has no rhyme or reason and doesn’t even reward you for playing the characters you want to play.


I’m ot saying that you’re missing the point with malice or in an attempt to rile you up, but it seems like I was right since that is your answer.

It’s not that people here want a lack of progress and I think moat people are ok with some rng. The main issue is that the rng is insane, we’re wasting time by re-rolling perks when it wouldn’t change the outcome if we could pick the perks instead, and there is no noticable progress at all as I could just as well get lucky and find one weapon I want to use when hitting 30, or I could never find it even if I spent many thousands of hours in the game.

If you enjoy grinding gear in looter shooters you might enjoy this system, but I doubt that’s the case aimce DT is not a looter shooter. It’s perfectly fine that you and a few other like or tolerate the system, but it’s definitely turning me away from the game.


Agree on this…

Other points, I won’t answer. You can find what I think in the previous posts I made on this forum. As I said:

Now, I will try to avoid such discussions about crafting. Not that I was hurt by these discussions, discussing is always interesting. I fully understand you are not satisfied of the game, and I feel sad for you, but, on my side, I take lot of fun in it.
I see that the positions are totally fixed and that nothing will make people, that hate the RNG, change their mind. I am afraid that they will just run in disappointment…
So I will let people express their feeling and will hope that the situation will be better for them maybe by seeing FS that would make a step toward them or cause they would play the game and see it is not as terrible as they were thinking.
As I want the game succeeding, I just hope that the game will find its public, cause it is a great game. I also hope that all discussions won’t always be around the crafting system cause I would, really, like to be able to share opinions about other points of the game.

Point is… you will be able to “reroll” weapons when actually you have to rely on the shops.
I don’t know either what will be the choices made by FS about that… Will you be able to get a good weapon easily, how much it will cost, how many materials we will need, how many will we get from heresy+ missions? all these questions are crucial to see the balance they have chosen.
And like you I don’t know cause the update is not yet here. It could be good, but it could be catastrophic… or something between these 2 opposites.

The point is moot when you run out of gold trying to “reroll” since the chance is well below 1%.

Again, here there is a question about orange weapons… will we be able to extract the 2 blessing or just one? Anyways, you will be able to extract a blessing and use it later on any weapon you want.

Fail to answer, you conceded on this point - you have no evidence that suggests people who got lucky(2 lv4 blessings on one weapon) won’t be screwed by fatshark somehow.

You can see that like that… but I choose to see it as 1 I can choose it, the second is a bonus.

So you chose to enjoy scraps handed to you despite having paid for the full game.
So you admit you have no point then, any garbage would be acceptable by your “standards.”


I understand your concern… What I would have loved, it would be that we could craft a weapon by choosing the parts used. Every part would give a bonus on modifiers and you would had the possibility to choose blessings, perks etc… but every choice would have a cost and you would had to choose the weak and the strong points of your weapon.

It is not what we will get. However in the system we will get, sure you have no guarantee to get a T3 blessing. But I don’t think that allowing all to get maxed weapons is something good.
The system I described here would bring choices and you could not get a weapon with only strong points. Allowing people to get all best blessing, best perks etc… would lead to similar weapons… and defeat the entire interest of the system.

But that’s just my opinion. However, what I wanted is not important… we won’t get that in the next update. The question is, do this update will bring me more freedom and could permit me to get good weapons? absolutely.
And what I wanted is to test things, weapons etc… and I will be able to do that.

But again… I understand your concerns, we have a different vision. In my opinion, I do not care to have the perfect weapon. Off course 2 max perks is better… but I see the second as a bonus.
Off course T4 blessing is better, but a T3 is enough. Off course you can roll something with tier 2 blessing, but you can retry and also replace it. (by the way Tier obtained is linked of the quality of the object, so for a high quality object, you have more chances to get T3/T4 blessing).
What I want is a good weapon that permit me to test things in the missions… cause what I love is killing heretics.

“But I don’t think that allowing all to get maxed weapons is something good.”
Read your own comment and think about how ridiculous that is.

You’re not getting maxed weapons…weapon stats are 80/380 locked.

Even if you get godrolls all the time and get to reroll anything else in all slots like all perks/blessings of highest tier, which of course won’t be happening, they’re still only up to 80% statrolls…

You don’t simply have a different vision, you literally ignored the reality that weapon stats are locked to peddle your bs.

A “maxed weapon” could have blessings and perks for different character feat combinations(like zealot crit built where crit stacking is important - with +5% critchance perk and Shred…etc., and there is also the other bs that nobody uses); it’s not always one-combo-fits-all.
And people aren’t going to just…stop playing…just because they got the top end gear…the whole point of getting it is to use it
I’ve got multiple copies of same red weapons with different statrolls in vermintide 2 and that hasn’t stopped me from playing… It only meant I get to actually enjoy all kinds of different “builds.” There is not a single logical reason that letting players have ability to replace all blessings/perks would be bad, unless your goal is to try to keep players grinding(in which case the frustration would likely just cause more people to stop playing altogether so the effect in total playhours might not even be positive).

And even if we pretend everyone just quit playing when they get max stats - fatshark can slowly unlock max stat rolls(85/90/95/100) later…


are there any plans to add in more cosmetics we can earn with gameplay or with the earnable currency?

Hi Catfish, do you have any info whether the next update is planned for this week or for the 27/28th ?

Honestly, I think its unlikely we’ll get it in February, even if its the 28th.

I’m still leaning towards December myself.


How much is your time worrth for doing this?

People disliked this in VT2, where it was a lot more reasonable and faster even at the release.

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Yeah, bravo on the “Malice Warrior” comment. I assume that’s supposed to be an insult, lol. I appreciate the combined quest, I know about that, but having “more missions” with Grim/Tome missions isn’t what I asked for, I asked for it to be like their previous games where they’re always in a map, even if randomly placed.