Who gave green light to this hammer skin?, for real, it have’s to be a bug. The tactical axe camo should be #ac824b (Dark moderate orange) instead of #6f6c5d (Very dark grayish yellow).
I’d wipe it already. This tactical axe camo is like one of the only ones I’ve seen sold that even acknowledges the variant system. That’s why it has no hope of matching the one shown, it has a different color axe head with each mark. Which I would rather have than 1 skin, personally (I bought it because memeaxe is one of my absolute favorites).
The worst part is it’s not even green like it shows in the operative preview. When you use it in game it actually appears bluish…
This is literally stealing money from users by blantantly lying, which is insult to injurey considering how terribly overpriced it id already.
The shitty thing is, obesemegalodon does this often… the pictures advertised have more than a common habit of being prerendered or straight up recolored in a way that makes the iten eye popping, but that fatshart has no intention of actually delivering.