I think raising the distance in which ranged units pull out there melee weapon would make the gameplay feel smoother. It seems like its only about 5 yards when they pull out there melee i think 10 would be a big improvement. In combination with the pull out time of some guns this short distance feels really punishing and hard to counter.
I agree with that. Especially since someone from Fatshark thought it’s great idea to nerf Zealot charge by rising it’s CD, lowering toughness received and decreasing range so now you don’t even have strong front-liner who can fast engage range enemies into melee to protect rest of the team.
The Ogryn is still swizz cheese on Diff 4-5 when there is range squad. In CB at least Zealot would close distance fast to them and engage them. Now: nope.
If they want this game to be played like calssical shooter then I am out.
The decisions of FS from Close Beta to this beta is just mind boggling to me.
yea thats funny im playing zealot too. The problem i have is the suppression mechanic doesn’t seem to be effective enough. ill shoot some shots then sprint in but they don’t get flinched enough or stagger so they just blast me the second i put my ranged weapon away. either up the stagger from suppressing them or make them take out there weapons sooner. Sometimes they backpedal and stay just far enough away to shoot. There no synergy for zealot ult with ranged enemies. If running them down isn’t an option then change his ult.
Fatshark just can’t take their hands off something that was working fine. In Closed Beta Zealot had problems with range enemies but becasue his Ult had lower CD, was giving 100% toughness and had huge range, it was much easier to close distance and put enemies into melee and removing range threat from party. By the time you finished with one range squad you could move to next one becasue you Ult was up. It was nice and smooth, fact paced gameplay.
Now I feel like I am playing handicapped Veteran as I have to sit and shoot so much isntead of dashing around having fun like in Beta. If I want to sit back I will play Psyker or Zealot, thank you very much Fatshark.
Keep in mind enemies aren’t properly entering into melee. It feels like they reduced the range by over 70%
Staggering, when tested in the Psykhanium, impacts enemies when your bullets are within about 3 enemy models of your target and they flee for cover after 4-5 shots within this area.
I recommend adjusting the stagger zone into 3 and the closest zone to the target causes staggers/forces flee/seek cover faster. This will reward more accurate shots and allow the guns that are hip fire to feel like they can contribute even at further ranges.
There are plenty of times I have rushed groups of 8-10 enemies that were patrolling and some scatter others pull out their melee. Keeping in mind that really they could have all just opened fire and melted me leads me to the conclusion that the distance to make enemies weapon swap is decent.
No mention of anyone trying to use those fancy stun grenades to help in closing the gap so perhaps that is just being overlooked by the playerbase.
I use the stun grenades. But I have 3 stun grenades, and there are far more than 3 instances in which I need them. Especially since I often have to save them to clutch for revives in the open.
This is very much a case of “It was great and everyone enjoyed it, why was in changed?”
Classic Fatshark “balancing” from Vermintide 2… Seeing their posts about socreboard/stats on weapons etc. I thought they learnt on their mistakes. Seems I was too optimistic.
Benny, I appreciate you’re upset, and that’s totally fair (I’m a bit saddened, too!) but aggression won’t fix anything.
Just provide feedback, and make sure FS are aware of the issues.
Sorry that you felt I was aggressive as I don’t know where did you take that from. Wasn’t my intention. I am frustrated, but I don’t think anything I wrote was aggressive. It’s just dissapointment as Closed Beta was just better gameplay wise.
Again, sorry if you felt that way.
I’m gonna turn into a broken record about this but: i think a big part of this is because of how they’ve changed the movement compared to the closed beta. It’s been made much slower and sluggish, and the slide (which used to be extremely useful and a great way to get that final bit of distance or relocate to cover) now ranges from slightly useful sometimes, to downright useless. On one hand, it just feels much worse, but it’s also had really big impacts on other aspects of the gameplay - like closing the distance on ranged enemies. It’s now much harder to close the gap, and combined with how extremely punishing it can be to be under fire, it’s effectively made ranged enemies way stronger than they already were (and they were already really deadly in the closed beta on higher difficulty levels) previously using the movement to close the gap and avoid enemy fire was really satisfying and felt really rewarding to pull off well, now it feels like i’m wading through waist high water and have to fight against the movement to actually do anything. even the sprint really sucks now.
Drastic game changes like we see now REQUIRE MULTIPLE PEOPLE to sign off on. These nerfs were 100% intentional. Feels like some CEO or their kid wanted something changed(think of Disney starwars with the scooters) and it was done.
My guess is that given how limited CBT was, most people didn’t make it out of early difficulties, so psycher and zealot seemed absurdly strong, when you aren’t being shot at from 1000 different angles.
Yeah i did the zealot challenge of win with out using any ranged and it was a pain its almost imposible to archive because you have to clean everything really quick if any group of enemy spawns in a large numbers you cannot reach him in any way posible your gonna have to set back and wait untill somebody on your party does something the Stun granade is just not enough for a Zealot to live in melee at all, we need shields for the Zealot or this is not gonna work ever
and i know im going to an extreme of only melee but even when you play normal if enough ranged enemy spawn in the game you pretty much have a problem because you cannot close distance without losing 60% or more of your HP and this is assuming you have some ammo left to use
I don’t know to be honest. It could just be the people working on the classes have never played a video game? I’m really grasping at straws as to the logic behind the core gameplay changes from the CBT only weeks ago
change the angle of approach is my suggestion, flank, slide, sprint. /shrug
Totally agree. Enemies should stop shooting at you and engage in melee at much further distances.
And Zealot’s charge is really underwelming in it’s current state. Doesn’t even do what the description says (recharging full toughness).
Its definitely bugged or something, im having entire packs of ranged units spray me down while im actively hitting them in melee.
Makes difficulties above 3 almost impossible.