Closed Beta to Open Beta, Progress, What Changed?

First of all hey.

The Progress System for the Ogryn got reworked, his Traits are now useful so what follows is for the other 3 classes.

What the actual Hell happened?
So many Reviews were about the Progress-system not being rewarding at all.
It is the Same old Story.

But despite that. Every single Mission feels the same. The Only exception is the End of the Mission were you have to load a Gun-Battery.

If we overlook this one MAJOR flaw comes to shine.

Enemy Spawns.
When i paly with friends we try ot play our classes as Strategically as possible, with punishment as reward. Hordes move in silence and suprise the Sharpshooter by surrounding him from the back while he fires at VIP’s in the Area where the current battle should be continuing. One-Way Doors are absolutely everywhere. If you try to get a good sense of your surroundings, you are a fool. Just run and Push. if you are stationary another One-Way Door will flood you and you’ll be surrounded from your back once more.

The Core Gameplay and Visuals are still 10/10 and the Sound Design, except Stealth hordes and stealth heavys sneaking up on you, excellent.

But why are you forced to drop tactics?

Basically my Closed Beta review with more Salt since only the Ogryn Issue got adressed.
More Strategy, less mindless leftclick spam…

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