Cheesing Respawn locations

Hello Fat Shark and everyone,

First I wanted to elaborate what I mean in the title. This mechanic of “Cheesing Respawn spots” has always bothered me. Currently, a lot of people who have played the tide series know when a player dies you can get closer respawn locations by simply moving back further in the map. As this is a well-known strategy I feel like it’s not punishing players when bad plays or mistakes are made.

When players accidentally attracts a Demon Host and the Demon Host kills 2 players. Those 2 remaining players simply move back and get closer spawns for those who perished from the Demon Host.

I feel like this strategy or mechanic should be patched in some way to punish players for bad plays or mistakes they made. Consequences should be more devastating in my opinion.

A suggestion to fix this is to mark the missions/maps as distance traveled similar to L4D and make it so when players traverse a certain degree in the mission, the respawn locations are locked in to wherever the distance the players traveled.

I like to have a discussion on this topic so please keep it civil and hear some other people’s thoughts on this matter. One thing to NOTE - I am aware that Fat Shark has a lot on their plates so this is something that shouldn’t be prioritized, but it is something I like them to recognize at least. Another thing is that some of the respawn locations are bugged like the Repair Mission, which Fat Shark has already acknowledged in the “Bugs” category.

If you are reading this. Thank you. Emperor Protects.


Imo it should not be changed.

Having a dead teammate can be more of a punishment for those who play well, than “being dead” is for the player who made a mistake.

As it is right now, players who have map knowledge, can make use of this type of skill and gain a benefit from it by having their teammate respawn closer.
I would expect this intelligent use of map knowledge to have a small positive impact on their winrate.

If players are punished harder for their death (by being taken out of combat for longer), their failure has a bigger impact on the group overall and leads to a reduced winrate for everyone.
Those who “are not at fault”, would suffer more than than they do now, for the mistake of someone else.


While I do understand where you’re coming from, I still think it adds a layer of difficulty to the game. Example, it is even more important to save a downed player. Players already have a lot of utility to save a downed player like grenades, their ultimate, or having the team work together to pick up that downed person. Afterall, this is a CO-OP game.

For me, since I know this mechanic of backing up to get a closer rescue point - it makes it less important for anyone to risk their neck to go save someone who is downed.

Consequences like dying should be more punishing in my opinion. Especially if you are playing with a coordinated team or friends this mechanic of “cheesing the respawn” is easily achievable.

I look at it as a tactical fallback.
Since hordes can trigger based on how long you spend in one spot, you may end up calling a swarm… err Horde while waiting for the ability to rescue.

You can keep pushing, and that mistake will end up with your team held captive further in. Alternately, you can stop, take measure of the situation, get a grip on things and then go rescue your team.

I think the way it is handled is exactly how it should be. The mistake would be over-commitment and moving without a plan. Which… is likely what led to your buddies going down in the first place.

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But how often does that happen? For me on numerous occasions it’s just a simple walk with nothing to worry about to rescue your teammates. Even on Damnation difficulty

I’ll add falling back (which rarely comes up) already has its limitations and added risks. There are plenty of point of no returns on maps, and the longer you’re on map the more specialists, hordes and random patrols you can run into, even in sections you’ve already cleared.


It happens as often as the timer says?
The map is broken into sections. There are spawns that trigger based on where the group are, and on timers. If you have active party members in two areas, you will get timer spawns in both. This will effectively double the number of enemies that show up. This happens aproximately every 300 seconds, maybe longer. The timer info is pretty dated by now and who knows if they have changed the ratios.

I feel like it is pretty irrelevant, as your argument is that it is “cheesy” and my position is that it is a tactical move in a game that relies on tactics within the group.

You should keep in mind that sometimes you babbysiting and carry random players. Knowing that you can cheese respawn system a bit that way… well it makes your life easier in such runs.

Then you could argue we need shorter timers between waves, but trying to punish players for using game knowledge in order to get a tactical advantage is asinine.

Yeah, the spawn point should be determined based on where you died, not the surviving member’s current location.

I don’t understand why so many see a problem with it besides they don’t want to be punished harder than they already are.


Now I agree with you on 100% of your post. But I would like to just add to this. In your example I think the player who activates the demonhost should be punished as you do. But I think we need to instatiate a sample of chatGPT to ensure that players have agreed to wake up a daemonhost otherwise any player who wakes one up on purpose (we can figure out how to define that) without communicating with their team about it and then just expects the team to handle it while they dodge or t000nk or whatever. Such players should be disconnected from the game all together immediately.

(note, this is a joke. But only kind of)

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Part of it is just that you don’t want players who die once potentially spending 40% of a run out of comission based on how the proceeding fight is gonna go, just to then never get revived anyway as it ends after a fighting with three people for such a long time.

The fact that people use this to get a better respawn is only bad in light of how long spawn timers are.

I rather have tactics like this floating around than not.

It should be about if your team can clear the current section you died in be it at the beginning or end of it, and the sections shouldn’t be too big.

True, sitting out for too long shouldn’t be a problem. The teammate’s location shouldn’t dictate the spawn, but the one who died.