Chaos wastes - bot improvment at higher difficulties

The Bot Improvements - Combat mod has only three specific bot behavior modifications as stated in its description. 1 - Better Melee Choices, 2 - Stay Closer, and 3 - Ping Elites (which currently does not work with the game).

All bot behavior outside those three are not because of the mod, but due to vanilla game bot behavior. This includes whether or not they ignore/target an enemy, how they use their ult, decision-making on when to revive, how they target/snipe specials, among other bot behavior.

The bot improvements mod does not affect that behavior. And that bug has been happening even before the Chaos Waste and Bot Improvements updates (Patch 4.2). Bots have always had a propensity to chase after specials with melee weapons.

Here’s a 2020 pre-Outcast Engineer and pre-Bot Improvements update screenshot of me getting stabbed by an assassin rat while the three other bots wander off to melee another special (one bot actually passed by me and ignored me).

screenshot of getting stabbed by an assassin rat while the three other bots wander off to melee another special

Bug reports reporting similar bot behavior have been posted since 2018 (the year the game was released):