The chainaxe is my most used weapon, and I believe it’s either that I don’t get it, or the weapon needs improvements, the normal attack damage is laughable when compared to the normal axes, I thought since the attacks get stuck in enemies preventing you from moving or dodging for half a sec, they should be one of the strongest in the game, but I found out that my other normal axe with stats that are 10-13 points lower than my chainaxe actually deal more damage, so what’s up with that? is the whole point of the weapon the rev part?
Ways I think the weapon could be improved, not all changes at once, but maybe one or two will suffice (feel free to tell me I’m wrong, and the weapon is actually awesome, I’d love to see what makes it good):
1- Infinite dodge count: I’m better at timing my dodges now than when I started using it, but still it’s an exhausting process.
2- Light attacks stagger enemies around the target: while the axe is stuck, a stagger applies in a small radius around your target.
3- higher damage on the light attacks: they deal lower damage than the normal axe’s attacks, on top of that you get stuck while the attack finishes ripping your enemy.
4- Faster and wider heavies: the heavy attacks are slow, push attack then heavy is the only good way to deal with hordes.
5- Remake the rev action: I had this idea, that the chain axe could function similar to the power sword’s activation, while the weapon is activated, you rip into your enemies dealing more damage but getting stuck in the process, and while it’s inactive, your attacks are like the normal axe’s light attacks, heavies should still function the same way as they are now on the chainaxe.