Can you buff the other melee weapons?

The dueling sword has overtaken the meta. Nothing else compares to its dps and ease of use. Attempting to use the eviscerator or Thunder Hammer is like fighting underwater compared to the dueling sword. I think they need a damage increase to make up for their slow clunkiness.

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Don’t do this, Fatshark.

Nerf Duelling Sword instead, it’s objectively OP and in desperate need of a nerf. I refuse to conform to meta crutches.


buffing other things to the level of the dueling sword is a horrible idea. Go play sedition, that’s what it’d feel like. I’m not joking or anything, the dueling sword has basically the same relative damage as other weapons have on sedition. The thing just oneshots every non-boss in the game and kills bosses in 5 seconds. It’s not something any weapon should be able to do unless it’s slow and hard to use like the thunderhammer special.
I don’t understand what happened in video games for people to be this opposed to balance and actively WANTING power creep like this.


They got popular and financially motivated and promoted marketers and salespeople.



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