Can we get some rewards for Legend please?

He never said they kill better than oranges, but that he wanted to feel superior not that he was superior. Don’t they kill good, b/c if they don’t then no item does. Also, if they have an ADVANTAGE doesn’t that make them better? For example if someone re rolls and gets crit chance/curse resist on an item if it’s not max then they probably won’t re roll (i got max crit chance but want curse resist but i’m not re rolling b/c i care more about the max crit) but if you have a red it’s auto max which makes it better or at least easier to re roll and get what you want. Yes, you can re roll and get max on oranges but i’m assuming it’s very rare (at least rare to get the two traits you want maxed)

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He never said they kill better than oranges, but that he wanted to feel superior not that he was superior. Don’t they kill good, b/c if they don’t then no item does. Also, if they have an ADVANTAGE doesn’t that make them better? For example if someone re rolls and gets crit chance/curse resist on an item if it’s not max then they probably won’t re roll (i got max crit chance but want curse resist but i’m not re rolling b/c i care more about the max crit) but if you have a red it’s auto max which makes it better or at least easier to re roll and get what you want. Yes, you can re roll and get max on oranges but i’m assuming it’s very rare (at least rare to get the two traits you want maxed)

I just found the “kills good” formulation just strange. Other than that you described it correctly. You get a technical advantage in getting maximised traits combination faaar easier. You still could get them on oranges too. Although if it is based on V1’s probabilities it would be 1 out of 20 for one trait. So it is 1 out of 400 for both traits multiplied with the chance of getting certain combinations.
I just have the fear that many people has those strange illusions with red weapons they had in Vermintide 1.

I think you guys are missing the point. If a maxed out team needs 1 week of practice to be ready for legend 2grims 3 tomes and wins 10 runs, there should not be ranald deciding if its a generals or an emperor. Same with lootdices, was a nice addition in V1 but we had the stat luck, same principle as tomes and grims = high risk - high reward it did use a trinket slot.

Seriously guys… it is frustrating to open a legend emperor and getting a 294 orange / blue whatever… Its not needed at all once youre maxed out, at least drop only 300 oranges if youre already at 600heropower…

Legend runs at its state are only for the high tier players who play the sh*t out of this game, and they all are disappointed with the loot, and should it not be the loot that gets you to play the game?
There is motivation and there is volition, while many players have high motivation for legend runs, the volition is slipping away more and more, at least for the playerbase i know.

You’re missing my point.

I’m not deciding what is fun; I’m saying that grinding without it working out isn’t fun. People are setting themselves up for a fall by thinking they can just grind out all the reds, when (unfortunately), it’s just very unlikely and going to burn you out for very little reward.

i agree. this was a problem that they solved somewhat with bounties and contracts in vt1, but currently there isn’t a similar solution, people are burning out.

There have been multiple posts on reddit of people getting reds without being at 290+ power on items.

My issue is I’m getting pretty much nothing out of playing the game, I might as well just put it aside and wait for a dlc at this point. The keep had no upgrades beyond the lvl 10 quarter unlocks, heroic deeds aren’t worth doing, and the drop % on reds and cosmetics is so low that in almost 200 hours I’ve gotten two reds, both necklaces, and no cosmetics. If the end game wasn’t in a finished state, why did they release the game? I feel like I bought an early access title thats a year away from launch.

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That seems a little melodramatic. The game is definitely not in a pre-release state; cosmetics and reds are there, just not in the quantities some people want. You’ve already put in 200 hours? That is a LOT of time to have put into this game in two weeks (three if you want to count the pre-order beta). There are only 504 hours in three weeks!

seriously? cmon.

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There’s CTD’s, unfinished geometry, a general lack of polish in voice chat ques and animations, and major issues in the final level of the game (which they are addressing). Maybe not a year, but this does feel like I’ve purchased an early access game two to six months from launch.

503 hours (spring forward we lost an hour lol)

Im at 206 hours myself and I can only agree, 1 red so far and plenty of legend runs. The old playerbase of vermintide are crazy people spending hours and hours in the game, perfecting their playstyle. I mean we have fun playing the game, but FS will lose some of the playerbase simply by neglecting those end-game players. All characters maxed out on 600 heropower, all items golden… 1 red…
Been grinding and grinding and grinding and still 1 red… salvaging item after item… I mean… give us something for lategame, anything… Deeds are not really that much fun if the balancing is still going on, no need for extra special spawns if all we’re doing on legend is killing specials while sienna kills hordes.