Just like the title says. Gas, especially, they will walk straight through it. Earlier I had a Kerillian bot on her last down run off to kill the gas rat, then run back through the gas cloud and drop dead. If a cloud is in front of a horde, they will wade into the middle of it and loiter. I’ve seen some go from full health to almost dead enjoying the view in poison clouds of doom.
Meanwhile, with gunners, they are the opposite. They will go to ANY LENGTH to avoid getting hit from even the furthest ranges when they may take 3-4 damage total, even to the point of killing themselves by falling off ledges.
Have a pic:
Both bots went down because they rushed to meet the horde where a gas rat had thrown gas. They immediately went down, and I was left facing the entire horde + Chaos Warriors + Specials.
Here is another example. Why is Bardin even so far from me during a horde - and standing in gas, no less?
Another thing; why are they so reluctant to resupply at ammo boxes? Just earlier in the same match there was an ammo box as a random spawn (which I lingered around so I could pick off ambients), and after I walked away, this (note the ammo on the bots):
Here’s another example: I was going to get the second grim on Halescourge, in the process of climbing back down - I hear a hookrat spawn, and it jumps down from the roof below me while I’m on the ladder and hooks me. The bots below just freeze - literally completely freeze. In fact, they all DIE because a single Warpfire Thrower comes up and burns them alive while they don’t move. They don’t seek an angle to shoot the hookrat, teleport to me, or even just shoot the fire rat killing them. Their AI just shut down.
And why do they just stray so far during hordes? It inevitably leads to them getting surrounded and taking unnecessary damage:
I don’t want bots to carry me - I can do the heavy lifting. I just would like them to have a bit more basic competence.
Since this is feedback, I suppose it’d be right to add some actual suggestions;
-Can bots prioritize not-standing in gas over DPS? I’m not saying they should show super prescience by dodging an incoming gas globe perfectly, but just don’t continue to stand in it after it hits, and move around it; if their pathing wouldn’t allow them to go further afield to avoid it, can they be a little bit more pro-active with teleporting to the player? It’d be really nice.
-Can bots just . . . not fall off cliffs unless pushed? Halescourge, especially, is bad about this sort of thing with all the random cliffs (especially around second tome). At least they are fast to pick each other up, but they just seem to fall too often.
-Can bots stay closer during hordes? Just a bit. There’s no reason they should move so far away, and it means if you want to play optimally it becomes an anti-fun mechanic. Since they “leash” at a certain distance from you, if you advance - so do they. The only way to prevent this is to stand well back and let them completely handle the frontline work. For some classes this is fine, but if you are primarily melee, it means you spend most of horde fights managing the bots via your positioning instead of actually fighting.
Finally, for a bit of light-heartedness, here’s a Stormvermin who really put his head on the line! So brave for a Skaven, he deserves some praise. Came all the way from the dark section with the multiple lines to the slope.