BUG: given 1m event reward but did not receive instead the game gave me a loadout error

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Issue Description (Required):

I fixed the loadout issue in the Psyk. But I am hoping by posting here my reward can be reimbursed. I really need the ordo dockets because I am constantly upgrading weapons.

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No, I don’t use mods

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PC - Steam

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@Milkycrits could you please clarify what you completed and which reward you did not receive? Thanks!

Hi I think it was either an event that just gives like the random 2500 diamantine 2500 plasteel but it said 1m ordo dockets I was on my veteran and completed the 90% accuracy penance and received a transcendent top so it also could have been that.

Hello? It’s been some time and I have received no response.

@Milkycrits thanks for clarifying! Sorry for the delay - it was the weekend. I’ll pass this on to one of our backend developers and request they take a look.

God bless you, thanks

@Milkycrits, our backend developers have checked and can see the cosmetic unlock for your Veteran which is correct, though they can’t find any other reward events that should’ve been granted or failed.

Could you clarify what you mean by 1m event reward please?

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