Brunts armoury needs tooltips

How on earth do they expect new people to know the difference between all the different variants of weapons?
Don’t come at me with the inspect button, that’s an unacceptable roundabout way to compare cryptic spreadsheets which you can’t even open at the same time.

For newcomers and people without perfect memory alike, the difference between the many variants is vague at best. Why isn’t there a short description anywhere that explains the basic differences?

Another solution would be to make a white basic variant available in the psykhanium.


They should just reintroduce the flavour texts, there’s enough room, and show them together with the two “Specialization” tags. Oh, and allow players to switch loadout while in the shop.
Not that I wouldn’t like more info and more options, but I’m ok with baby steps, as long as the darn brat keeps walking.

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actually there is enough room to show all the relevant weapon details like combo’s, stats, special activation etc.

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Brunt’s armory was and still is a band aid fix to the bad cradting system they have available. I’m still suprised it got mentioned in the armory cutscene.

In other words I don’t think FS wants to put any more effort into it besides changing roll values every now and then.


I think the entire UI and Morningstar need a rework.

I understand the idea but the execution is lacking. Brunts armory, the 4 or 5 currencies, the weapon upgrade system. Nothing is TOO complicated but it’s also very unfriendly to new players.

This summarizes like 70% of the game lol

I would appreciate the addition of weapon special details. For example what is the attack type/damage/stagger of various weapon specials such as bayonets, punch/slap, etc?

Some of the weapon specials have attack breakdowns I’m pretty sure. I’m not in front of the computer, but I made note of this the other day…unless I’ve lost my mind!

A little video of attack patterns and the special attack for each weapon would be cool.

Yep you’re right, I stand corrected. In the “Display weapon details” you can click on the special action for the damage/stagger breakdown for bayonets and thunder punch (ogryn spade)!

However, it is still lacking details for activatable weapon specials (chain sword, thunder hammer) and shotgun shell variants.

You may still be crazy though :wink:

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Even then, I saw on a YT video you could see the details of a weapon affixes by hovering over them, which is staggeringly amazing given in the whole game mouse-hovering does nothing at all.
Just in that page we are supposed to know there is a mouseover popup with the details.

Attack breakdown is missing numbers for a bunch of specials like combat blade punch, staff strike, duelling sword thrust, tac axe special, combat axe special, Devil Claw parry, club slap, etc. etc.

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Yeh, still a long way to go.
I’d love to be able to see a visualization of the swipe direction of every strike, along with its cleave, and the modifiers special activations impart on the regular strikes.
I still don’t know what counts as a “Special Attack Kill”, either.

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