Video on weapons

It would help if there’s a tiny video you can play when inspecting each weapon to get an understanding of how the weapon works. There are so many weapons with slightly different names (e.g. Equinox Mk III Trauma Force Staff vs Equinox Mk IV Voidstrike Force Staff).

How are new players supposed to understand the difference between these? Even if you press inspect, the descriptions are pretty generic and doesn’t really give a good understanding of what makes the weapon different. For people that have played the game a lot, I’m sure those descriptions are sufficient.

I’ve noticed this is a recurring issue for new players, that they don’t really understand what the new weapon unlocks do. Of course, they could just buy it and test it - but it would help a lot if there’s some kind of video demonstration that shows the weapon in action.


Armored Core 6 does exactly this perfectly. Just do that.


However, I am not sure it should be a priority when there is so many things that they need to fix / improve / make working.

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you can just go into the meat grinder with them. it’s not like there’s some massive mechanical difference between copies of the same type of weapon.

Sure, they just need to add a free grey version of every weapon to the meatgrinder.

That way you don’t have to buy them all outside, go into the meatgrinder, try them all one by one, try to remember which of them you like, go out, sell all the ones you don’t like, probably sell the wrong ones because lol weapon names don’t mean anything, THEN begin the chore of buying a weapon of the type you want that meets your standards (assuming you remember the name of the one you liked and don’t have to do it all again).

that sounds like a miserable way of doing anything, i don’t believe anyone would actually do that instead of just testing out weapons as they get them of find particularly interesting.

I really like this idea…
unfortunately, we both know that it will never happen.

You’re right, they won’t. It’s one of the reasons that experimenting with weapons is such a massive pita.

Honestly… I’ve like 600h in this game and I’m actually scared to change my weapons because I surely wont find it again in the pile of trash that’s my inventory. :sweat_smile: esp when it comes to autoguns or lasguns.
And btw. Who want to load into the meatgrinder everytime they want to change their weapon? This thing is nice for testing certain builds and new stuff, but shouldn’t be the go-to option to determine which of the several similarly named weapons you are actually currently using.

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