Bretoinian Longsword and Shield push-stab Hitbox

It has been known for a while that BretS&S has a very short push-stab attack…
But after checking it out using a Hitbox Debug mod, I am getting a feeling there must have been some kind of mistake during development.
Here is Bretoinan Sword and Shield.
Left hitbox is Charged Stab attack. Right hitbox is Pushstab.

And here is regular Sword and Shield.
Left hitbox is Charged Stab attack. Right hitbox is Pushstab.

And, as bonus, here is Sienna’s Dagger pushstab.

This all leads me to believe that something went wrong during the development and somebody forgot to stretch the stab hitbox. Because currently - it is shorter than the regular attack.
A stab with a fully outstretched arm is half a meter SHORTER than a diagonal swing.


Had been reported in September 2020 already, it’s a feature by now.

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I would politely refuse to accept that.

The current state of things makes the weapon MUCH worse than other counterparts.
The push-stab is essentially a push-punch, which NEEDS to be addressed. It directly impacts the feel of the weapon and makes it act clumsy and unrealiable when it shouldn’t, and many people preffer other shield weapons on GK just because they do their job right.


Did they ever change the elven 1handed axe push-sweep hitbox or does it also keep it´s feature where half the swing is missing?


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