Issue Description:
Blood and thunder also affecting on special melee attack for Ogryns ranged weapon.
Blood & Thunder: +1 Bleed Stack on Heavy Melee Hit.
So description must be updated or feature must be cut from it.
Bleed is garbage and that’s a pretty garbage feat anyway. They should think about how to buff it rather than fix this. Applying multiple stacks on heavy attack would be a start. Making bleed not complete garbage for hordes is probably necessary if shield + bleed is ever gonna have any kind of relevance whatsoever.
They made Grenade Gauntlet attacks count as lights or heavies respectively (before every hit was a heavy, which was actually decent with Knife Through Butter more than bleed because GG lights have over double the hitmass of bull butcher lights). But yeah I would be sad if this got changed. As is the only use is boosting toughness back with the heavy attack toughness feats, you can corner that dreg shooter who just shot most of your toughness off and slap him around with your ranged.