Blessings not transferrable to different weapons

Earlier I purchased a Surge staff from Melk to get a lvl IV Terrifying Barrage to put it on my Purge staff.

My Purge staff has lvl III Terrifying barrage on it already, but thought why not upgrade it as I have the opportunity… only to find out it will not transfer.

Is this really, I mean REALLY, supposed to work like this? I have to find the specific Blessing, on the specific weapon to transfer it? EVEN WHEN THE SAME BLESSING IS AVAILABLE FOR BOTH WEAPONS???

Is FS really trying to make this whole stupid system as painful and irritating as possible? I wasted a weeks worth of the stupid Melk currency on it. Kinda just a tiny bit completely stupid if you ask me.


Yes, it’s stupid.
Yes, it’s intended.
Yes, they are trying to make the system as painful and irritating as possible.

The endgame is being lucky.


lol, and they wonder why the player count is so low… ffs.


Blessings are shared between weapons of the same family.
The weapon family is the name after the “Mk < number >”.

For example, all Infantry Autogun variants share the same blessings, and unlocking a blessing by sacrificing an Infantry Autogun, will unlock it for all Infantry Autoguns.

As you can see on the image, all of the staffs count as separate families.
The Surge, Purgatus, Voidstrike and Trauma is part of the weapon family.

It kinda makes sense, considering that not all of the staff blessings are available for all of the staffs.
For example:

  • “Transfer Peril”, “Blazing Spirit” and “Surge” are only available for Trauma and Voidstrike staff
  • “Rending Shockwave” is only available for Trauma staff

Because of how differently the staffs behave from each other, some staff blessings might be a bit busted on some of them.


You have widespread sympathy as you’re not the only one caught out by this.

It doesn’t make any sense, and there’s really no in game explanation why the same name skill across weapons wouldn’t be transferable. Or game design reason for that matter, other than some sketchy concept that doubling or tripling the grind will either make FS more money or the game more fun.

I alt tab to a website to see what weapons a skill applies to before buying/surrendering.


You can just check the weapon name (the last part) to see if it applies or not. It goes like this (Origin: Nomanus)(Subtype: MK VI)(Weapon Group: Purgatus Force Staff).

The reason why it works like this is probably some kind of oversight. Probably it’s way easier for the server to store the data of blessing by Weapon group, instead of applying the different modifiers for each weapon where it varies (Slaughterer, Rampage ect.).

If blessings would have different names on each weapon even if they do the same, then this problem wouldn’t come up, but I think blessings with the same effect (but sometimes differing magnitude) having the same name make it a bit easier on the user side to know what you are looking for, so there is a bit of give or take.

I wouldn’t attribute malice to any of this. Incompetence is more than fitting.

I love these posts for all the wrong reasons.

On reddit someone asked how to remove the locked icon from blessings and perks, you know, like any reasonable person would assume you could.

Yeah it’s supposed to be this way and it’s completely unacceptable.

FS went from a game that was grindy in the right way (VT2) but respected your time like no other PvE game to the posterchild of disrespectful mechanics and gacha-style casino-ception BS.

I wish the blessings were more like a library in that you only needed to find BM4 once and then you could put it on any weapon that has it available across all characters but alas we’re stuck with account-wide but family BS. I swear, the fact that blessings are family-locked but account wide soly exists to show us that account wide currencies are possible but they won’t implement them because that would mean the grind get’s lessened… and we can’t have that now can we?


Yes, this, thank you. The staffs literally don’t even have the same blessing pool. It makes no sense to me people somehow expect them to share blessings when they don’t share the same pool in the first place. This is entirely consistent with everything else, you just have to apply your brain for all of 5 seconds to figure it out.

I really think this is by far the least of the issues with crafting and not something worth taking any kind of stand against.


But surge and purgatus do share terrifying barrage. That blessing works the same way for both I believe.

I do get the “family” explanation, but I think it’s nonsense how it works, it just adds more rng.
If two staves don’t share the same blessing, sure, but in this case it’s literally the same.

Autoguns have crucian rulette, right? Same as the revolver. I get that the % of critical chance given by the blessing differs from both weapon, so its not the “same” blessing, earning autogun’s crucian roulette would be different from earning revolver’s crucian roulette. Correct?

Now my question is:
Is it that hard to make it so when you earn crucian roulette from any weapon, it applies to any weapon (that has that crucian roulette in it’s pool) accordingly to the weapon type? (adapting to magazine size)
Was it that hard for FS to implement this in their game to alevianate all the crappy rng?

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Yes, because if they didn’t have RNG they’d actually have to design their systems rather than let RNG do all the heavy lifting.

Or you think about it like this:
The game has a table with blessings.
Me unlocks a blessing from that table.
Weapon a and b can access that cell in the table/ have acces to a blessing with that name.
→ I’ve unlocked that blessing for both of them.

Your logic requires an additional leap, that it makes sense, having multiple blessings in the game with the same effect, name, tiers and yet are not the same.

There really is no good reason for doing it like this, other than artificially extending playtime on top of all the remaining rngesus.

I know it gets tiresome hearing people - justifiably - ramble about the crafting system everywhere, but this is still a very valid point.


If a blessing exists on two staves from different families, it should be transferrable between those families AND across weapon types. The fact that you can’t do that is almost certainly a problem in the game’s underlying construction and is not a result of an intentional design decision.

FS has made some brain-numbingly stupid design decisions with this game, but I refuse to believe any of them think that what you’re describing is the way it should be.

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I mean… this is exactly what they said in regard to how it would work, in the patchnotes.

And tbh, i do not mind having to get the blessings separately for each weapon family.
It is a system that makes sense and is very easy to get behind.
Want blessing x for weapon y?
Look out for weapons of the same type and check their blessings.

Would be kinda weird if we had to check on weapons of pretty much all types, wehn we are looking for an upgrade for a specific weapon.
Especially because this would make the hunt for a specific blessing very strange.
You would not be incentivised to get a bunch of that specific weapon, but a bunch of the weapon that shares the same blessing, but has the smalles blessing pool.

All that means is that this is how they managed to get it to work, it doesn’t say anything about why they went with that method.

We already know that there’s things in the game that are the result of the way the game is built rather than as the result of conscious gameplay design choices - Action queueing is one such example.

Even blessings from weapons totally different weapon families should be available to eachother. If I strip Pinning Fire off an autopistol, that should damn well be available for my bolter. If the current system IS fully intentional, it only exists to further extend the already ridiculous weapon grind.

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No comment on this?

That would be a good thing, since it’d incentivise you to try different weapons.

You’re basically arguing that it’s good to get railroaded into only ever using one weapon.

this is one of the reasons i play this game in ever dwindling bursts… it’s just obnoxious trying new build ideas

What I meant was like this: e.g. Devastating Strike has 3 weapon families and you have to ‘buy’ it on each. In that case the name works, but if you look at (e.g.) DeathSpitter then that works across multiple named guns (on multiple avatars) but for some reason, not shotguns. Probably due to the buff being different, but you don’t know that as you’re browsing.

If you unlock Deathspitter on Recon Lasgun it won’t unlock it on Infantry Autoguns. It works as I said, you have to unlock it for each weapon group separately.

Ah yes, I just needed to “apply my brain for 5 seconds” to realise the obviously obvious, blatant thing that the same blessings, that have the same values, that are available on two weapons should clearly, blatantly obviously not be sharable on those two weapons, that both have that exact same blessing.

How utterly stupid of me.