Blessings for the same weapon family (force staffs) not being shared is lame

Title. I just sacrificed a really good staff I had been using for a while to unlock Warp Flurry IV, only to have to come here on the forums to realize through other posts that they’re weapon specific instead of weapon family specific, like pretty much any other blessing in the game. It feels quite lame. Finding good staffs (or any staffs at all, really) in the Armoury Exchange pool for Psychers is bad enough as it is, but blessings not being shared between force staffs is just stupid, in my opinion (sorry, not sorry).


That is not true.
All of the force staffs are from different weapon families.
So they are consistent with all other weapons, in regard to blessings.

Sharing all blessings between the staffs, would not make too much sense, since some of the blessings do not appear on all of them.
For example, only the trauma staff has access to a brittleness blessing.

What I meant is that they are the same weapon types. Currently in Darktide, all other weapon types share blessings except force staffs.

That is irrelevant, as they still could (and should) make the ones that are available on more than one staff be available to the other(s).

I understand what you mean.
You are mistaken.
Force staffs follow the same rule.

As you can see, it is not “Rifthaven Purgatus Mk II Force Staff
It is “Rifthaven Mk II Purgatus Force Staff”.
Each staff has their own family.
I understand that it might be a bit confusing, because every staff is an only child.

For all weapons, the Family name is written right behind the “Mk x”.
Weapons are all named by the same principle:
“Name - Mk x - Family Name”
Although, there might be an issue with some languages other than english, since the “Mk x” might be placed at the start or end of the name and therefore not function as the clear break before the family name.


Yea, the transparency on what’s happening during crafting is frustrating. I have accidentally destroyed a lvl4 weapon in the same way.

Only thing we can do is pray that blessing acquisition will be more deterministic whenever we get the crafting update.


In 2027 they will add new staves for psyker and this system will finally get use

I still wish we kept old surge staff and the “new” Surge staff was just part of its family :pensive:

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