Issue Description:
It’s easier to see with Blaze Away but with the Stubber Mk IV you can’t even reach all 5 stacks of blaze away if you even magdump an entire 90 bullets without letting go of left click, is this intentional or is this a oversight? Cuz Blaze Away and Overwhelming Fire seem to not work right with the Stubbers, Blaze Away is supposed to increase power for every second you fire, right? Not every 3-4 seconds. And Overwhelming Fire, each bullet doesn’t activate a stack of Overwhelming Fire, it seems it takes about 20 bullets to actually get ONE stack of it which is pretty ridiculous. For Overwhelming Fire it’s near impossible for anything to live long enough to get 2 stacks of it unless it’s a monstrosity with it’s massive health pool or a crusher with it’s carapace armor specifically.
Steps to Reproduce:
Simply take any of the Ogryn’s Stubber weapons (Especially the Stubber Mk IV) with Blaze Away and just hold left click until your mag runs dry. For Overwhelming Fire just magdump into the crusher in the Meat Grinder and see how slow the Overwhelming Fire stacks build up.
Mission Name (If Applicable):
Player ID:
Approx. Time of Issue & Timezone:
Recently found it out but it’s currently still here as of patch #9 hotfix 1.0.52
Reproduction Rate:
Constant (100%)
Upload Supporting Evidence:
Example of how many stacks my Mk IV Stubber gets w/ Blaze Away after mag dumping 90 rounds, only 3/5 and unable to reach 5/5.
Second image here is showing how much ammo I had to dump into ONE enemy to get max stacks of Overwhelming Fire, if I hit any other enemy the stacks reset. I started with 92 bullets and ended with 35 after reaching full stacks, it took a total of 57 bullets to reach max Overwhelming Fire.
Even it was was for the Krourk it is still ridiculously low. Having it scale to percentage of a mag makes sense if it’s a 30 round gun. But for a gun that use 90+ rounds, it’s stupid to need to have to use 80% (MkIV need more than 100% of its ammo) of your ammo to take full advantage of a blessing. Especially since said weapons aren’t accurate and are incredibly ammo hungry. Hell at the rate the bless works, if the blessing goes up to 2 charges, that your doing something wrong cause a good player will fire in burst most of the time.
I think it’s another clear case off fatshark incompetence. Something “working” as intended but NOT working cause they don’t do any sort of play testing themselves to see if their ideas actually work.
I did bugreport this in the subreddit r/Darktide, April 14th (1 month ago).
I guess it’s my own fault i didn’t bugreport this on this forum instead (sorry).
Here’s what my own tests found.
NO Heavy Stubber can reach 5 stacks without Charmed Reload.
Heavy Stubber Mk IV needs to fire continuously for 19 secounds to reach 5 stacks of Blaze Away.
Heavy Stubber Mk VI needs to fire continuously for 14 seconds to reach 5 stacks of Blaze Away.
Heavy Stubber Mk VII needs to fire continuously for 12 seconds to reach 5 stacks of Blaze Away.
The blessing Blaze Away is very likely based on amount of rounds fired. Hence the rate of fire affects the amount of “time” needed for each Heavy Stubber to gain stacks.
Yeah in all honesty it hurts to see that they give some weapons blessings that the weapon can’t even take full advantage of… Thank you for your extra input too!