Bl**dy silent poxbursters, fix please :)

Maybe PB proximity triggers and the jumping explosions will occur while behind closed doors, that’s why sometimes you will hear them stop beeping when you approach. Not sure, but they are a bit dodgy.

To be honest this lead to some funny encounters where the PB wouldn’t jump out until after you turned around.

Before that. Soon as patch 13 hit I was noticing that pox bursters and other specialists were failing to give audible warnings. And this was playing with decent headphones and the volume turned up.

What I can’t understand is why no one has mentioned a very simple and well-tested fix from a much more successful game. Plop a sphere around each player. Within that sphere mobs that are not specifically scripted to do so can NOT spawn. Period. They can jog/walk/ etc to the player after spawning outside said sphere or use the nearest clown door from their spawn point to appear at another clown door within said sphere. But never spawning within it.

Not only does this solve the “spawn two bursters right on top of you” issue but the travel time would spread out the horde of specialists & elites enough that just maybe their sound ques wouldn’t be all fighting for space at the exact same time.

But why use the simple fix when they can deny, blame, and delay until finally having rush through a hasty bandage of a badly done fix that ends up breaking something else.

In the carnival, in that final holdout spot everyone loves, if you stand too far forward you’ll get them spawning right out of the ground like 10 feet behind you lol

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I’ve had Poxbursters marked (since the closed door doesn’t block ping or some weapons) and the poxburster will detonate in a standing position if there’s someone close enough to the door. That said, they’re usually beeping like crazy for a good 3 or 4 seconds when I see it happen, but I’m fairly certain they remain in their idle pose unless they start running through the door

It wouldn’t surprise me if some people found a way to abuse that and force spawns into the most favourable locations :sweat_smile: We already see something like that in The Carnival’s finale, using the entrance corridor and standing far enough back to prevent flanking spawns.

Eh, dont fix 'em. (Joke - fix them ASAP).
Skill issue.

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